Oxford High School Choir

  • Welcome to the home of the Oxford High School Choral program! At Oxford High School, our choir is open to all students grades 9-12 who successfully complete a simple, stress-free audition. We have one choir class where all singers have the opportunity to sing a variety of literature across the entire choral spectrum. Students in this class will all sing SATB music, and will also sing SSA/SSAA or TBB/TTB/TTBB literature depending on their voice part.

    The OHS Chamber Choir consistently receives superior ratings at the MHSAA State Performance Assessment and at other competitions. The choir performs 4-5 concerts each year in the OHS Performing Arts Center, and provides other performances in the Oxford and surrounding communities. The choir participates in 2-3 competitions a year. 

    Students in our choir program audition for and are frequently chosen to be a part of honor choirs, including the District 2 Honor Choir and Mississippi All-State Honor Choir.

    Please e-mail Thomas Ardrey if you have any questions! wtardrey@oxfordsd.org

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! @oxfordhighschoolchoirs

Last Modified on May 18, 2023