- Oxford School District
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- Elementary Handbook
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Oxford School District
Elementary Student Handbook (PK-5)
2024-2025Looking for the Secondary Student Handbook? Click here.
Empowering all students to become confident and creative builders of the future.
A bold, innovative, and continually improving district; understanding today to prepare students for tomorrow.
The Oxford School District Board of Trustees in accordance with board procedure may revise any policy contained herein. Any such revision duly approved will supersede the policies contained in this handbook.
The faculty and staff welcome you to the Oxford School District. This handbook will help you understand the laws established by the Mississippi State Legislature and the policies of the Oxford School District Board of Trustees. School rules and regulations are written to enforce and implement these laws and policies. They will also help us provide you an orderly and safe school and thereby enable you to reach the highest level of academic achievement you can obtain.
Parents and students should read this handbook carefully. If you have questions or need additional information, do not hesitate to contact an administrator.
Welcome from the Superintendent
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to the Oxford School District. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, faculty, and staff, we invite you to visit our school district and discover the many programs and offerings for our students. We serve over 4,800 students and as a district we have a proud tradition of excellence that begins and ends with our most valuable resources: our teachers, support staff, students, and parents. Oxford is a special place to live and we are fortunate to live in a community that places the highest of value on education. Our goal is to empower all students to become confident and creative builders of the future. We ask that you partner with us as we strive to meet that goal.
The teachers, support staff and Board of Trustees are committed to helping students achieve at their highest levels. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the staff’s unwavering commitment to their achievement and couple it with their own hard work, persistence, and good attendance to reach their highest potential.
Parents, we ask that you work with our teachers in providing the best possible atmosphere for student success by talking with your children and their teachers on a regular basis. If you encounter any problem or concern that cannot be resolved by your child’s teacher or principal, please feel free to contact me at 662-234-3541 or by emailing me at wbroberson@oxfordsd.org. Additionally, if you have thoughts about how we can continue to improve as a school district, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to working with you during the coming year.
Bradley Roberson
Oxford School DistrictWelcome from Principals
Dear Parents,
On behalf of the faculty and staff, we would like to welcome you to the new school year! Whether you and your child are joining the Oxford School District for the first time or you are a veteran parent with children in multiple schools, the beginning of the school year is a time filled with the excitement and anticipation of new teachers, new friends, and new opportunities for learning.
As an Oxford School District parent, you are a partner in your child’s education. We encourage you to participate in your child’s learning experience through school-sponsored activities, classroom projects, and PTO events. Our goal is to provide you with ongoing information concerning your child’s education. This handbook is designed to provide basic information that will be useful throughout the school year.
We want you to feel connected to our elementary schools and welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how we can make our schools the best they can be. You are vital to the success of our students, and we want to get to know you! You will be invited to several informal gatherings and formal meetings throughout the school year. We encourage your participation and look forward to building a relationship with you and your child.
Keri Jo Sapp, OECC Principal
Clemmisa Presley, BES Principal
Patches Calhoun, DDES Principal
Nikki Logan, CES Principal
Contact Information
Oxford Early Childhood Center (Pre-K)
Website: oxfordsd.org/OECC
Location: 1637 Hwy 30 E.
Phone: 662-371-1630
- Principal:
Keri Jo Sapp – kjsapp@oxfordsd.org - Assistant Principal:
Chris Bush – cabush@oxfordsd.org - Receptionist:
Elonye McDavis – ecmcdavis@oxfordsd.org - School Nurse:
Elizabeth Still – destille@oxfordsd.org
- Principal:
Bramlett Elementary School (Grades K & 1)
Website: oxfordsd.org/BES
Location: 225 Bramlett Blvd.
- Office: 662-234-2685
- Fax: 662-236-2775
- Principal:
Clemmisa Presley – cgpresley@oxfordsd.org - Assistant Principal:
Caitlin Hoggard – chhoggard@oxfordsd.org - Counselor:
Sarah Breithaupt – sbbreithaupt@oxfordsd.org - Receptionist:
Audrey Bishop – jabishop@oxfordsd.org - School Nurse:
Amanda Blair – agblair@oxfordsd.org
Della Davidson Elementary School (Grades 2 & 3)
Website: oxfordsd.org/DDES
Location: 209 Commonwealth Blvd.
- Office: 662-236-4870
- Fax: 662-236-4874
- Principal:
Patches Calhoun – pcalhoun@oxfordsd.org - Assistant Principal:
Carlee Harrison – cmharrison@oxfordsd.org - Counselor:
Nancy Maxwell – nmaxwell@oxfordsd.org - Receptionist:
Kendra DeBerry – kjdeberry@oxfordsd.org - Records Clerk:
Yulanda Bishop – ybishop@oxfordsd.org - School Nurse:
Erica King – ewking@oxfordsd.org
Central Elementary School (Grades 4 & 5)
Website: oxfordsd.org/CES
Location: 409 Washington Ave.
- Office: 662-234-3497
- Fax: 662-236-7942662-236-7942
- Principal:
Nikki Logan – mnlogan@oxfordsd.org - Assistant Principals:
- Chasity Arbuckle – carbuckle@oxfordsd.org
- Demarcus Helm – dqhelm@oxfordsd.org
- Counselor:
Alana Fairley – adfairley@oxfordsd.org - Receptionist:
Cameron Turnage – cmturnage@oxfordsd.org - School Nurse:
Shelby Toole – sltoole@oxfordsd.org
District Administration
Website: oxfordsd.org
Location: 200 O.U.S. Drive
- Office: 662-234-3541
- Fax: 662-232-2862
- Superintendent:
Bradley Roberson – wbroberson@oxfordsd.org - Chief Academic Officer:
Marni Herrington – mherrington@oxfordsd.org - Chief Operations Officer:
Dr. Steve Hurdle – sjhurdle@oxfordsd.org - Chief of Student Services:
Dr. LaTonya Robinson – lrrobinson@oxfordsd.org - Chief of Staff:
Dr. Germain McConnell – gmcconnell@oxfordsd.org - Director of Accountability & Accreditation:
Noah Hamilton – nlhamilton@oxfordsd.org - Directors of Athletics:
- Chris Baughman – cbaughman@oxfordsd.org
- Tabitha Beard – tgbeard@oxfordsd.org
- Director of Child Nutrition:
Daniel Westmoreland – dvwestmoreland@oxfordsd.org, 662-236-1079 - Director of Early Childhood and Reading Development:
Cara Buffington – cbbuffington@oxfordsd.org - English Learners Program Coordinator:
Nancy McCurdy – nmccurdy@oxfordsd.org - Director of Special Education:
Toni Bell – trbell@oxfordsd.org - Director of Technology:
Mike Fortenberry – mforten@oxfordsd.org, 662-236-7948
Board of Trustees
Website: oxfordsd.org/SchoolBoard
- President:
Denny Tosh – dennytosh3@hotmail.com - Secretary:
S. Ray Hill, IIIThe Third – rhill@claytonodonnell.com - Lolita Gregory – llgregor@olemiss.edu
- Carter Myers – myerscarter@bellsouth.net
- Ashley Wilkinson – ashley@oxfordfloral.com
- Board Attorney:
Paul Watkins – pwatkins@mayomallette.com - Board Clerk:
LaTeasha Blackmon – lblackmon@oxfordsd.org
- President:
School Hours
School | Begins | Ends |
Oxford Early Childhood Center | 7:40 a.m. | 2:20 p.m. |
Bramlett Elementary School | 7:40 a.m. | 2:20 p.m. |
Della Davidson Elementary School | 7:40 a.m. | 2:20 p.m. |
Central Elementary School | 7:40 a.m. | 2:20 p.m. |
Handbook Provisions
Afternoon Dismissal
Bus Riders
The following procedures will be used for afternoon bus dismissal:
- Students will be dismissed from the classroom to go directly to a designated location.
- Teachers will monitor students while waiting to board buses.
- Students are required to have a student ID to ride the bus.
Car Riders
The following procedures will be used for afternoon car rider dismissal:
- There will be designated stations for cars to stop.
- An appointed teacher will call the names of students in the building via walkie talkie to go in an orderly manner to their cars.
- Students will sit quietly and listen for their names to be called for dismissal.
- Students must be picked up by 3:00 pm at the latest.
- Parents must go through the card-rider line. Parents are not permitted to walk to the door with a car rider sign.
All cars must have a school-issued car rider I.D. visible in the windshield. If the parent does not have the sign, he/she must come into the office and present a driver’s license or other valid I.D. to sign out his/her child.
Walkers (Central Elementary students)
- A signed permission form by parents/guardians will be needed prior to students being allowed to leave campus as a walker. (The form will be available at Open House, the front office, or a digital link can be provided by the school.)
- A final destination will be indicated on the form as part of permission for students to walk from Central Elementary (Stone Center, home, OPC, the Square, etc.).
- An email will be provided on the form to allow daily communication from Central Elementary to parents when their child leaves campus with a date and time stamp.
- Students will need a school I.D. and will exit the building through the assigned door to be scanned by a Central Elementary staff member.
- Walking privileges can be revoked by school administration if issues arise involving the safety of others.
- During inclement weather, students may be held on campus until it is deemed safe to be dismissed by our SRO.
- Any changes to the form need to be emailed to administration 24 hours prior to the needed adjustment.
- Transportation changes must be sent to the homeroom teachers by 12:30 p.m. via email or School Status.
Arrival to School
We want to teach all our students to become as independent and responsible as possible and allow teachers to begin class promptly without interruption. If you need to go to your child’s classroom for any reason, you will need to request administrator permission or teacher approval, and obtain a visitor’s pass from the school office. Students are expected to be in the classroom, seated and ready for instruction at 7:40 a.m. Parents may drop students off in the morning beginning at 7:00 a.m. in the car-rider line. Students who eat breakfast at school will go directly to the assigned area. Adults are on duty in the assigned areas to supervise all students. Students entering the building after 7:40 a.m. must be accompanied by an adult and must be signed in at the office.
Asbestos Inspections
The Oxford School District wishes to inform its staff, students, parents, and the general public that an approved asbestos management plan is on file with the Mississippi Department of Education. Asbestos management plans are available for public review at each school location. For more information, contact Dr. Steve Hurdle, Chief Operations Officer, at 662-234-3541.
The Oxford School District certifies compliance with the above federal and state regulations.
Assembly Programs
Assemblies will be held throughout the school year. Exemplary behavior will enhance the school reputation and is expected of every student. Students must enter and leave the assembly in an orderly manner. Students who deface the property in any manner, talk loudly, are rude and disrespectful to teachers or presenters, or disrupt the program in any manner will be removed from the activity and disciplined according to the Code of Conduct’s discipline matrix.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is a vital aspect of developing and maintaining a successful educational experience. Regular attendance promotes a sense of responsibility, ensures educational continuity, and facilitates academic growth. Furthermore, daily attendance is important to both the school and the community in that it is the measure by which state funds are allocated to the schools.
A student should adhere to the following attendance policy to assist in the earning of credit or promotion to the next grade in grades K-6:
- must be present one hundred sixty (160) days for a full year course (maximum twenty (20) absences).
A student is considered absent for the entire day if that student is absent for more than thirty-seven percent (37%) of the instructional day.
View the following board policies for more information:
- JBA: Compulsory School Attendance
- JBD: Student Attendance, Reporting of Student Attendance, Tardiness, and Excuses
Excused Absences / Unexcused Absences
Under Mississippi law (37-13-91), in order for an absence to be determined as EXCUSED, satisfactory evidence of the excuse must be provided by the student, including a note from the parent or a physician’s excuse. The following eight categories constitute EXCUSED ABSENCES:
- An absence resulting from illness or injury of the student which prevents the student from being physically able to attend school;
- An absence resulting from the death or serious injury of a member of the immediate family (parents, grandparents, siblings);
- An absence resulting from medical or dental reasons;
- An absence resulting from a student’s attendance at the proceedings of a court or administrative tribunal;
- An absence due to a required religious observance or event;
- An absence resulting from an authorized school activity;
- An absence that requires a student to be isolated for health purposes;
- An absence whereby the principal determines that conditions warrant that the absence be excused.
Also according to state law (37-13-91), an “unlawful” absence is an absence for which the student does not have a valid excuse, including days missed because of disciplinary suspension. These absences are also called UNEXCUSED absences.
Extended Absences
The following guidelines must be followed if a student is absent for more than five (5) consecutive days:
- The student or parent must present a statement from a licensed physician certifying the specific dates the student missed due to the medical condition.
- If extended absence due to medical reasons is anticipated, the parent or guardian must notify the attendance clerk and school counselor prior to the absence so that plans can be made for the student’s academic progress.
Automated Calling System
The Oxford School District uses an automated calling system on occasion to notify parents/guardians of important information. For this reason, it is very important that you provide us with a current phone number. Please call your school’s office to update this information in PowerSchool.
Self-control and good citizenship are the main objectives of good discipline. Good citizenship will be reinforced through pupil and staff discussion, reasonable and appropriate guidelines, and self-control. If rules are disregarded, appropriate action will result through teacher and/or principal involvement. The Code of Conduct is published as a separate document on the Oxford School District website. Click here to view the Code of Conduct.
Bus Conduct
Bus Discipline
Breakfast is free for all students and is served each morning from 7:00 a.m. until 7:40 a.m. The cost for lunch is $3.75 per day. Parents are encouraged to pay for lunch by the week or month. Payments can be made on the MySchoolBucks website or mobile app. Click here to set up a MySchoolBucks account. All checks should be made payable to the school’s cafeteria.
Information regarding Free & Reduced lunch can be found here.
When coming to eat lunch with a student, visitors must be on the student’s contact list, present a valid ID, and obtain a visitor tag from the front office. After signing in, the parent must wait in the lobby area to meet his or her child or wait in the cafeteria at the Parent Table. The parent may then have lunch with his or her child at the Parent Table only. No other students will be permitted to sit with the parent and his/her child. Parents should not go to the classroom before or after lunchtime. After the student’s lunchtime, all visitors must checkout in the office and exit the building.
Commercial outside food will not be permitted in the cafeteria unless the adult who brings the lunch stays and eats with the student. If a student forgets a packed lunch from home, the forgotten lunch must be brought to the school prior to 10:00 a.m. or he/she is always welcome to eat from the cafeteria. However, parents are welcome to bring a lunch and stay to eat with their child. We will make accommodations for a student who needs to eat in the cafeteria, but does not have lunch money in his/her account. Payment can be made at a later time.
Students who qualify under federal guidelines may receive lunch free or at a reduced price. Please pick up an application from the office or apply online. It must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the cafeteria manager.
Cafeteria Procedures
Students are expected to follow the cafeteria rules and procedures.
- Students will be accompanied to the cafeteria by their teacher or teacher assistant.
- Students will stand in a single file line leaving the doorways clear.
- Classes will be assigned to a designated table in the cafeteria.
- After students have gone through the line, they will not be allowed to go back for other items.
- Students will be reminded to exhibit appropriate table manners – keeping food on trays, cleaning up, and refraining from handling other students’ food.
- Students may not share their food with others.
- Teachers will sit with their class in the cafeteria.
- Students must have their teacher’s permission to leave the cafeteria.
Care of Personal Belongings
Students must take extra precautions to protect personal items. Books, physical education clothing, musical instruments, lunches, wallets, purses, notebooks, and other items of clothing are frequently lost, misplaced, or stolen. Students should not leave personal belongings unattended and should write their name on their personal belongings, including coats, bags, purses, etc. These items are often found and will be returned to the student’s possession.
Students should report any missing items to their teacher or the office immediately so that school personnel can assist in looking for the item. School staff and personnel are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Care of School Property
We strongly encourage each student to help maintain and take proper care of school property. We strive to maintain a neat and clean school. Everyone must work to keep OSD schools free from defacement and damage.
Students must never mark nor write on walls, desks, chairs, tables, equipment or other school property. Students must avoid placing gum on walls, sidewalks, under desks, tables, and chairs. Students must never punch holes in chairs and seats, including buses. Students must not tear up the bathroom partitions, nor deliberately waste soap or paper towels.
Under normal use, the building and properties are difficult and expensive to maintain. The parent/guardian will be financially responsible for student’s intentional misuse, defacement, or destruction of school property, including but not limited to laptop devices.
Cell Phones/Mobile Devices
Cell phones and mobile devices should not be powered on during the school day unless authorized by the teacher for an instructional purpose. Any unauthorized use will result in a referral to an administrator.
Change of Home Address and Home Number
The correct address and current telephone number of the parent/guardian is not only required by the Mississippi Department of Education, but is also vital in the event of an emergency. Parents/guardians are required to inform the district registration office in writing of a change in address or telephone number. If at any time during the school year, the address or telephone number changes, the parent/guardian must report the change to the registration office immediately. Changes of address will require new proofs of the current address.
Checking a Student Out of School
The parent, guardian, or designee must report to the office to sign the student out. A valid driver's license will be required as proof of identification. The office staff will contact the teacher who will send the student to the office. Students at elementary schools will be not be allowed to check out after 1:45 p.m. Early checkout from school is strongly discouraged since early checkouts count toward absences (see “Attendance” section of Handbook Povisions). If a student checks out early and this results in the student missing more than 37% of the instructional day, this would count as an absence for the entire day. Refer to the School Attendance policy for the specific times, which constitute 63% of the day. In addition, teachers teach until dismissal and it is important for your child to be present during instructional time.
If the student returns to school after checking out, he/she must report to the office with a parent and an absentee/medical excuse before going to class. The parent, guardian, or adult designee must sign the student back into school. When a student arrives on the school campus, he/she becomes the responsibility of the school. The student must not leave campus under any circumstance without checking out in the office. A student who leaves campus without permission is subject to suspension from school.
Parents must have legal documents on file if they do not want a non-custodial parent to pick-up.
Teachers will provide various opportunities for students to engage in competitions such as spelling bee, science fair, and others. Students who participate in these events must fully complete all registration packets and requirements prior to the events or competitions to be considered a participant.
The Oxford School District has implemented the Mississippi Early Learning Standards in Pre-K and the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards, for kindergarten through 12th grade in English Language Arts and Math. These learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade. The standards are designed to ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to enter college programs or enter the workforce. The standards are written to ensure that parents, teachers, and students have a clear understanding of the expectations in reading, writing, speaking and listening, language and mathematics. Learn more about the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards.
Rules and regulations are provided so that school is safe and orderly at all times. Read the rules carefully and follow them. If you have questions, or need help, do not hesitate to talk to a teacher or administrator.
Each student must make a conscious effort to be the best person and student he/she is capable of being and observe the rules of the building and the classroom. Our goal is to create self-managing classrooms where students will become self-disciplined and responsible.
When a problem arises, the teachers and administrators will work with the parent/ guardian to resolve it. Disciplinary actions which may be used are described in the disciplinary section below and in the OSD Code of Conduct discipline matrix.
Dress Code
All students who attend Oxford School District schools are expected to respect the school community by dressing appropriately for a PreK-12 educational environment. Students’ attire should facilitate participation in learning as well as the health and safety of students and the adults that supervise them. This policy is intended to provide guidance for students, staff, and parents. View the district’s board policy JCDB: Dress Code for Students.
Drugs and Alcohol Policy
It is the position of the Board of Trustees of the Oxford School District that student use of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol are wrong and harmful. Accordingly, the Board is opposed to the illegal use of drugs, narcotics, anabolic steroids, or alcoholic beverages by students on or off campus. A student shall not possess, use, transmit, or be under the influence of any illegal drug or alcoholic beverage of any kind. Use of a drug authorized by a medical prescription from a registered physician shall not be considered a violation of this rule; however, it shall be a violation if any student has a pill, drug, or medicine in any container that does not have the prescription label thereon. Such medication shall be kept in the nurse’s office and taken under the direct supervision of the nurse or office personnel. Also prohibited is the sale or attempted sale of drugs or alcoholic beverages by seller and/or thought to be drugs by the buyer on school property or at a school function or on property used by the school with permission of the owner.
Compliance with the above requirements is mandatory. Students who violate any of these rules may be suspended or expelled from school in accordance with School Board Policy JD.
Teachers should follow the guidelines below when class atmosphere is altered because of suspected drug influence:
- A student that cannot function productively should be identified to the principal.
- The teacher shall identify the inappropriate behavior (ex.: falling asleep, cannot comprehend normal conversation, is unable to move correctly, etc.).
- Principals should follow the appropriate procedures below when student behavior is altered because of suspected drug influence:
- Parents should be contacted and informed that their “child is unable to function in class.” Principals should be cautious about making specific accusations.
- Principals will ask parents to pick up their child at school and when they arrive will provide them with a statement of counseling procedures. Counseling, to include the student and the parents, will occur within seven to ten days.
- When justified by behavior or material evidence, the appropriate police authorities must be called, parents contacted, and evidence retained for police inspection.
- If there is a question about the student’s physical-medical well-being, the appropriate rescue agency should be contacted immediately.
The Oxford School District, through the D.A.R.E. program, provides age-appropriate, developmentally based drug and alcohol education and prevention programs, which address the legal, social, and health consequences of drug and alcohol use and provide information about effective techniques for resisting peer pressure to use illicit drugs or alcohol, for all students in the system. In addition to the D.A.R.E. Program, school nurses and counselors shall provide information about any drug and alcohol counseling rehabilitation programs available to students. A copy of this policy shall be provided to all parents and students.
Due Process
All students have the constitutional right to due process in matters of cheating, grading, suspensions, expulsions, and any other instances that would affect their property or liberty. Due process includes: notice, hearing, and explanation. The Student Code of Conduct constitutes notice as required by due process. At the hearing, the student has the right to present his/her defense against the charges and to produce other oral testimony or written affidavits of witnesses on his/her behalf. Parents must be notified of the hearing and have the right to attend. An explanation of the results of the hearing and implications of the decision should be presented to the student after the hearing.
Emergency Drills
Knowing what to do in times of crisis, inclement weather, and emergencies is essential. In an effort to ensure our students’ safety in the event of an actual emergency, drills are practiced at each school. During the drills, students should:
- Follow directions heard over the intercom.
- Be quiet and follow instructions given by the teacher in an orderly manner.
- Stay with the members of their class and remain in a designated area.
- Return to the classroom only when instructed to do so.
A student may be expelled from school because his/her presence creates a clear and imminent threat to the educational process of the school or to school employees or other students, and that threat cannot be eliminated by other means. Students who may be expelled are entitled to due process.
Field Trips
Field trips are extensions of the educational program that expand and reinforce concepts learned in class. Students are encouraged to take field trips. All field trips must be associated with an educational objective. Prior to taking the field trip, parents must complete an Oxford School District Student Field Trip Form. If a student leaves from a field trip with a parent, the parent must check with their child’s teacher and sign a release prior to leaving the field trip.
Gifted Education (INSIGHTS)
The Oxford School District strives to provide a challenging, qualitatively different educational experience directed to the unique needs of intellectually gifted students in grades 2-6. Intellectually gifted children are those who are found to have an exceptionally high degree of intelligence as documented through the gifted identification process. A parent, teacher, counselor, administrator or student may make referrals to the gifted program. For more information, contact Marilyn Barnes at the district office, 662-234-3541.
Pre-K through fifth-grade students are assessed according to standards-based proficiency scales.
Guidance Office
The guidance office is responsible for counseling students, arranging conferences with parents, registering and withdrawing students, maintaining student records, recording attendance, preparing student schedules, and referring students and family to agencies as appropriate. If you need to speak to a counselor concerning your child, please call the school office.
Hazing and Harassment
The hazing or harassment of any student, sexual or otherwise, will not be tolerated. A student who is suspected of such behavior should be immediately reported to the building administration for questioning and disciplinary action.
Homework may be assigned to enhance classroom instruction.
If a student becomes ill during the school day, he/she should notify the teacher. The teacher will talk with the student and, if necessary, will send the student to the school nurse. The school nurse will take care of the student until the parent/guardian arrives. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the name of the person on the student’s emergency contact list will be contacted.
In the case of sudden illness or injury, the student will be cared for as well as possible. Every effort will be made to contact the parent or another person listed on the student’s emergency contact list. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the family doctor or paramedic will be contacted. If warranted, the student will be transported to the emergency room at Baptist Hospital - North Mississippi. A school staff member will remain with the student until the parent/guardian arrives.
In order to decrease the spread of infection, please adhere to the following for any student returning to school after an illness:
- Free of fever for 24 hours
- No vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours
Internet Usage
Students will be required to be familiar with the district’s Responsible Use of Technology Policy prior to accessing the Internet on any computer in the building.
Literacy-based Promotion
Passed during the 2013 Mississippi Legislative Session, the Literacy-Based Promotion Act places an emphasis on grade-level reading skills for students, particularly as they progress through grades K-3. Beginning in 2018-2019, a student scoring below a level 3 in reading on the established state assessment for 3rd grade will not be promoted to 4th grade unless the student meets the good cause exemptions for promotion stated in the law.
Lost and Found Items
Please write your child’s name on his or her personal belongings. Items that are lost and found will be turned into the office. They will be kept in the office for identification. Inquiries should be directed to the school receptionist. All found items will be kept and stored temporarily. Items not claimed within a reasonable time period will be donated to a social agency.
Make-up Work
Students have 5 school days from the date of their return to complete graded assignments missed due to an absence. Teachers will mark the assignment as “missing” and input a 0 in the grade book until the assignment is completed.
With permission from the principal, a student with extenuating circumstances may be provided additional time to complete make-up work.
With permission from the principal, a student who is absent for an extended period of time (more than 3 consecutive days) may be provided additional time to complete make-up work.
Media Center Guidelines
Students are expected to observe all rules and regulations when using the media center.
- Students are to be quiet and courteous, return all materials on time to the proper places, be careful with media items, and ask for help from the librarian or librarian assistant when needed.
- Students who plan to use the media center before school or during lunch must obtain prior permission from the librarian or librarian assistant.
- Students who have outstanding damage fees or lost materials may lose the privilege to use the media center. Students must pay for lost or damaged books before final grades are issued.
All medications (both prescription and over the counter) must be presented to the school nurse by the parent/guardian in the original container with the student’s name, date and name of medication. If there are any discrepancies, the medication cannot be administered. Certain medications may not be dispensed without a doctor’s orders. All medication will be dispensed in the nurse’s office unless students are on a field trip. Parents may come to school to administer medicine in the nurse’s office. All dispensation of medicine will be recorded and the person dispensing the medicine will initial the daily log sheet. Inhalers and Epi-Pens are the only types of medication which may be carried by a student on his/her person at school. The Prescription Medication Permission Form (SHS-1) must be updated at the beginning of the school year or whenever there is a change in medication or dosage.
Money/Personal Items
Students are encouraged to bring only items that are necessary for school and school related activities. Excessive amounts of money should be left at home. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with all money and personal items. Adults in the building are not responsible for money or personal items.
Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Oxford School District has standardized procedures to ensure that:
- all students are provided an opportunity to succeed in the regular education program, and
- all students receive a free and appropriate public education.
MTSS is a vehicle through which assistance can be requested for any student who is “at risk” of not succeeding. The primary purpose of the MTSS team is to assess students’ needs and design instructional/behavioral interventions and strategies for those students who demonstrate learning and/or behavior problems that interfere with their success in the classroom and in the school environment. The team reviews and utilizes all of the possible resources within the school and/or district to meet the needs of the student. The team may also review the needs of “at risk” students on a school-wide and/ or grade-level basis and develop instructional interventions and strategies in order to more effectively assist students and improve student achievement. The standardized procedures and process will be utilized throughout the school year to resolve issues, problems, or concerns related to the performance of students as identified by teachers, parents, guardians, and administrators.
It is the policy of the Oxford School District that the referral of a student to the District Local Survey Committee (LSC) to begin the State of Mississippi’s process for determining the eligibility of a student for special services under the provision of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should only be considered after the appropriate instructional variations and interventions have been implemented in the regular classroom and the student continues to be “at risk” or if the student is obviously disabled.
Non-custodial Parents
The district will comply with any court order relative to custody. A copy of the court order must be brought to the office to be included in the child’s permanent record.
Online Grading Book
Parents will have computer access to their child’s grades and attendance through the online grade book. Instructions and log-in information will be sent home to parents after the start of school.
Parent Conferences
Parents are encouraged to schedule parent conferences to discuss a student’s academic performance, social behavior, and special needs. Parent/teacher conferences must be scheduled so that the instructional part of the day is not interrupted and should be arranged by appointment during the times set aside each day (which may include before or after school or during a teacher’s planning period). Parents may contact the teacher or the counselor to schedule a conference.
Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO)
It is through working together that we can best meet the needs of our students; therefore, all parents are encouraged to join the parent/teacher organization at your child’s school. Each school’s website has a link for PTO Information.
Physical Education
Students will receive a minimum of 150 minutes of appropriate physical activity each week. Parents should ensure that their child is dressed appropriately for outdoor recess.
Photographs of all students will be included in our school yearbook. Also, photographs and video of students may appear in our school newspaper, magazine, website, broadcast journalism stories, and other school publications unless consent is denied by a parent/guardian.
Progress Reports
Progress reports for students in grades Pre-K through 5 will be issued at the end of each nine-week period.
Promotion and Retention
The Oxford School District Board of Trustees has adopted a student promotion and retention policy that incorporates minimum standards mandated by the State Board of Education and provides a progression through the grades of the Oxford School District. In addition, in order to be promoted, students must meet minimum attendance standards as stated in Oxford school board policy JBA: School Compulsory Attendance.
Proper Chain of Command Actions Concerning Your Child
When contacting employees about issues concerning your child, do so in the following order.
Chain of Command A:
- Teacher
- Principal
- Superintendent
- School Board
Chain of Command B (Athletics/Activities):
- Coach
- Athletic Director
- Principal
- Superintendent
- School Board
Chain of Command C (Special Education):
- Special Education Teacher
- Principal
- Special Education Director
- Superintendent
- School Board
Report Cards
Report cards for students in grades Pre-K through 5 will be sent home at the end of the school year. Notification of fees owed will be sent with the final report card.
For a child to attend Oxford School District, parents/legal guardians must be able to provide residency verification. Parents should consult the Oxford School District’s descriptions of required proofs of residency.
Respect of Self and Authority
The faculty/staff will work cooperatively to insure a safe and orderly learning environment for all students. All teachers and staff members accept responsibility for all students. This includes the teachers and assistant teachers; custodial, clerical and cafeteria staff; bus drivers; counselors; administrators; as well as parents and other volunteers.
Students must respect themselves, their peers, and any adult in charge of supervision. If a student’s behavior is inappropriate, the teacher or staff member closest to the student will correct him/her. Students who show blatant disrespect, rudeness, inappropriate language, or abusive behavior toward any adult may be immediately suspended from school, or assigned to the In-School Study Program or alternate educational setting.
Students cannot sell goods or services for personal gain or benefit nor sell goods or services for non-school related organizations on school property. All fundraisers must be approved by administration.
School Insurance
The Oxford School District provides student accident insurance through Bollinger, Inc. if a student is injured on-site. The school nurse will provide needed documentation to cover expenses not otherwise covered by insurance. Please contact your school nurse for further details.
School-sponsored Events and Athletics
The Mississippi High School Activities Association holds respective schools responsible for the conduct of each person in attendance at both home and away athletic events. Students are expected to exhibit the traits of good sportsmanlike conduct at all athletic events. Booing, the use of profanity, and other acts of unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
Statements of Compliance
The Oxford School District certifies compliance with the following federal and state regulations.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records and gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. For more information, contact Dr. SuzAnne Liddell, Director of Federal Programs, at 662-234-3541.
Title IX9, Education Amendments of 1972
The Oxford School District does not discriminate on the basis of gender in its employment practices, educational programs, or activities. Any parent, employee, or student who has knowledge of such discrimination or who has experienced or is experiencing sexual harassment or discrimination should contact Dr. SuzAnne Liddell, Director of Federal Programs, at 662-234-3541.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and IDEA
The Oxford School District does not discriminate on the basis of a disability in its employment practices, educational programs, or activities. Any parent, employee, or student who has knowledge of such discrimination or who has experienced or is experiencing discrimination on the basis of a disability should contact Dr. LaTonya Robinson, 504 coordinator, at 662-234-3541.
Title VI6 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Oxford School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin in the provision of educational programs and services. For further information, contact Dr. SuzAnne Liddell, Director of Federal Programs, at 662-234-3541.
Student Bullying
Students and employees in the Oxford School District are protected from bullying and harassing behavior, whether on or off campus, by other students or employees. Bullying and harassing behavior is a pattern of gestures or written, electronic, or verbal communications, or any physical act or any threatening communication, or any act reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived differentiating characteristic that a) places a student or school employee in actual or reasonable fear of harm to his/her person or damage to his/her property, or b) creates or is certain to create a hostile environment by substantially interfering with or impairing a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits.
Student Code of Conduct
A copy of the Oxford School District Student Code of Conduct is available on the Oxford School District website at oxfordsd.org/CodeOfConduct. The Student Code of Conduct constitutes notice under due process requirements.
Tobacco Use and/or Possession
The possession and/or use of tobacco in any form or use of e-cigarette or other vapored devices designed to inject nicotine or other substances is not permitted on the campus or any building of the Oxford School District or at any school-sponsored activity or function, or during any school-related activity, or on a school bus or school-sponsored transportation. If a student is seen with tobacco products, school authorities will confiscate them. Violation of this rule may result in suspension from school.
Punctuality is an essential skill for success in life. Prompt arrival to school and to class is expected of all students. Late arrival disrupts class and causes loss of instructional time. Students are encouraged to arrive at school by 7:40 a.m. as instruction begins at this time. When students arrive after 7:40 a.m., they are considered tardy and must be accompanied into the office by a parent or guardian to sign in.
Students will be issued an iPad for instructional use during the school year. The fee and fine structure is listed below:
- Technology Fee: $25
- First Occurrence of Accidental Damage: $25
- Second Occurrence of Accidental Damage: $25
- Third Occurrence of Accidental Damage: $25
- Subsequent Occurrences: Full Cost of Repair or Replacement
Telephone Usage
A student may use the telephone in the office to make emergency calls only. The student must be accompanied by his/her teacher or have a signed pass from the teacher.
Student/parents are responsible for all books, including library books. If a book is damaged or lost, fines will be assessed. An assessed price will be charged for damaged books.
Title I1: Basic Program
Title I1 schools in the Oxford School District receive federal funding to provide services for our students such as: a pre-k program, teaching assistants, and staff development opportunities for our teachers. Parental support and involvement are vital to a child’s educational success. Each school develops a parental involvement plan each year and parent participation is required. If you would like to learn more about Title I1 programs and parent involvement, contact Dr. SuzAnne Liddell, Director of Federal Programs at 662-234-3541. View the district’s Title I1 Parental Involvement Policy here. Title I1 also specifies certain additional information that parents have a right to know, such as:
- the professional qualifications of your child’s teachers and paraprofessionals
- your child’s level of achievement in statewide assessments
- notification if your child will be taught four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified
- to receive information in an understandable and uniform format in a language that you can understand.
Title II2: Highly Qualified Teachers
The Oxford School District receives federal Title II2, Part A funds. These funds are used for the purpose of hiring highly qualified teachers in order to reduce class size, particularly in the early grades. Please contact Dr. SuzAnne Liddell at 662-234-3541 for additional information.
Title III3: English Language Learners
The Oxford School District receives federal funds pursuant to Title III3 to provide services to those students with limited English proficiency. Services include individualized instruction from E.L. tutors and certified E.L. teachers. Please refer to the district website, oxfordsd.org/EL, or contact Nancy McCurdy, E.L. Program Coordinator, at 662-234-3541 for additional information.
Title VI6: Rural and Low Income Schools
The Oxford School District receives federal funds pursuant to Title VI6, Rural and Low Income Schools. Funds awarded through this program may be used for the purposes of teacher recruitment and retention, teacher professional development-including programs that train teachers to utilize technology to improve teaching and to train special needs teachers, parental involvement activities, and other activities and programs as described in Title VI6, B. Please contact Dr. SuzAnne Liddell, Director of Federal Programs, at 662-234-3541 for additional information.
Title X10: McKinney-Vento Act
The district receives federal funding pursuant to Title X10, the McKinney-Vento Act for Homeless Education Assistance. For a list of situations which constitute homelessness and your rights under the McKinney-Vento Act, please refer to oxfordsd.org/HomelessEdAssistance. For additional information, please contact the district’s homeless liaison, Dr. SuzAnne Liddell, at 662-234-3541.
Transfer of Records
In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the written consent of the transferring student is not required and school records will be forwarded promptly upon request to the school in which a student plans to enroll. The cumulative folder follows the student and may not be held for any reason, including fees and fines owed to the school.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”
Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.
Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
- School officials with legitimate educational interests;
- Other schools to which a student is transferring;
- Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
- Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
- Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
- Accrediting organizations;
- To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
- Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
- State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law.
Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and attendance records. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.
Verbal or Physical Assault on School Personnel
Any student who strikes or threatens to strike or harm any school district personnel or volunteer will be immediately suspended from school and recommended for expulsion. A student who uses profane language directly or indirectly towards a staff member will be subject to suspension from school. All fights and acts of violence will be reported to the Oxford Police Department.
Parents and other visitors are always welcome at Oxford Schools. Because of campus security, all visitors are asked to report directly to the office. Visitors may be asked to present a driver’s license or valid ID as a part of the visitor check-in process. The office staff will direct visitors to sign-in utilizing LobbyGuard. LobbyGuard will print a visitor’s badge that should be worn in a conspicuous spot for the entirety of the visit.
Volunteering in the Schools
The schools depend on volunteers and value their contributions. The willingness to serve the students and staff of the district is greatly appreciated. Please complete the form at the the following link to apply to be a volunteer in our district. You will be notified by email when your application has been processed.
Any student who has in his/her possession an object that would be classified as a weapon while he/she is on school grounds or is going to or from school shall be immediately suspended by the principal and may be recommended for expulsion.
Section 97-37-17 Mississippi Code
- The following definitions apply to this section:
- "Educational property" shall mean any public or private school building or bus, public or private school campus, grounds, recreational area, athletic field, or other property owned, used, or operated by any local school board, school, college, or university board of trustees, or directors for the administration of any public or private educational institution or during a school related activity; provided however, that the term "educational property" shall not include any sixteenth section school land or lieu land on which is not located a school building, school campus, recreational area or athletic field.
- "Student" shall mean a person enrolled in a public or private school, college, or university, or a person who has been suspended or expelled within the last five (5) years from a public or private school, college, or university, whether the person is an adult or a minor.
- "Switchblade knife" shall mean a knife containing a blade or blades that open automatically by the release of a spring or a similar contrivance.
- "Weapon" shall mean any device enumerated in subsection (2) or (4) of this section.
- It shall be a felony for any person to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol, or other firearm of any kind, or any dynamite cartridge, bomb, grenade, mine, or powerful explosive on educational property. However, this subsection does not apply to a BB gun, air rifle, or air pistol. Any person violating this subsection shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or committed to the custody of the State Department of Corrections for not more than three (3) years, or both.
- It shall be a felony for any person to cause, encourage, or aid a minor who is less than eighteen (18) years old to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol, or other firearm of any kind, or any dynamite cartridge, bomb, grenade, mine, or powerful explosive on educational property. However, this subsection does not apply to a BB gun, air rifle, or air pistol. Any person violating this subsection shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) or committed to the custody of the State Department of Corrections for not more than three (3) years, or both.
- It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to possess or carry, whether openly. or concealed, any BB gun, air rifle, air pistol, bowie knife, dirk, dagger, slingshot, leaded cane, switchblade knife, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades (except solely for personal shaving), and any sharp-pointed or edged instrument except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips, and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction, and maintenance on educational property. Any person violating this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or be imprisoned not exceeding six (6) months, or both.
- It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to cause, encourage, or aid a minor who is less than eighteen (18) years old to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any BB gun, air rifle, air pistol, bowie knife, dirk, dagger, slingshot, leaded cane, switchblade, knife, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades (except solely for personal shaving), and any sharp-pointed or edged instrument except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips, and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction, and maintenance on educational property. Any person violating this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or be imprisoned not exceeding six (6) months, or both.
- It shall not be a violation of this section for any person to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol, or other firearm of any kind on educational property if:
- The person is not a student attending school on educational property;
- The firearm is within a motor vehicle; and
- The person does not brandish, exhibit or display the firearm in any careless, angry, or threatening manner.
- This section shall not apply to:
- A weapon used solely for educational or school-sanctioned ceremonial purposes, or used in a school-approved program conducted under the supervision of an adult whose supervision has been approved by the school authority;
- Armed forces personnel of the United States, officers and soldiers of the militia and National Guard, law enforcement personnel, any private police employed by an educational institution, State Militia or Emergency Management Corps and any guard or patrolman in a state or municipal institution, when acting in the discharge of their official duties;
- Home schools as defined in the compulsory school attendance law, Section 37-13-91;
- Competitors while participating in organized shooting events,
- Any person as authorized in Section 97-37-7 while in the performance of his official duties;
- Any mail carrier while in the performance of his official duties; or
- Any weapon not prescribed by Section 97-37-1, which is in a motor vehicle under the control of a parent, guardian, or custodian, as defined in Section 43-21-105, which is used to bring or pick up a student at a school building, school property, or school function.
- All schools shall post in public view a copy of the provisions of this section.
- The following definitions apply to this section:
Weather Closings
In the event of bad weather that could cause schools to close, please refer to the OSD website and social media sites. Parents will also receive an automated call from the district.
The Oxford School District website can be accessed at oxfordsd.org. You will find district news and announcements, contact information, news and information specific to each of our schools, parent surveys, school board policies and much more useful information. You may also sign up for the district e-newsletter on the Oxford School District website.
Withdrawal from School
The parent/guardian should meet with or call the school counselor or records clerk at least two (2) days prior to the actual date of withdrawal. A withdrawal form will be completed. Books, iPads/laptops, chargers, and fines will be collected before withdrawal paperwork is released. The new school will request the student’s cumulative records and all documents will be forwarded accordingly.