- Oxford School District
- Infractions and Consequences
- Discipline Matrix for 2-5
Code of Conduct
Page Navigation
- Introduction
- Notice of Non-Discrimination
- Board of Trustees
- Administrative Statements
- Discipline Procedures
- Parental Involvement
- Student Support Processes
- Infractions and Consequences
- Important Information
- Habitually Disruptive Students
- Statement of Authority of Principal
- Rules for Bus Conduct
- Bus Discipline
- Responsible Use of Technology
- Disclaimer Notice
Discipline Matrix: 2nd through 5th Grade
Due Process: Students shall be afforded due process rights. This includes the right to:
- be informed of conduct which would result in disciplinary action against the student;
- notice of the rule violation;
- explanation of the evidence supporting the charge including, but not limited to, staff or student corroboration and/or camera footage;
- an opportunity to present the student’s side of the story;
- a penalty that is proportionate to the violation.
Notification of Parents/Guardians: When discipline is imposed, parents/guardians will be contacted by email and/or mailing of the office referral and/or by phone to make them aware of the situation and to discuss appropriate steps to resolve the situation or to address a future situation.
Consequence Definitions
Consequence Definitions
- Detention:
Discipline which requires students to serve time before, during, or after school. - In‐School Suspension (ISS):
Temporary denial to a student by a principal of participation in a class. Suspension will be served in school and the student will receive credit for completed class work. Students with IEPs will continue to receive services from their support teacher. - Out-of-School Suspension (SUS):
Temporary denial to a student by the Principal, Superintendent, or School Board, of participation in a class or classes. - Alternative Placement:
Temporary denial to a student by the Superintendent or School Board of participation in school for more than ten days, but not to exceed ninety days. - Expulsion:
Denial of a student’s membership in school by the school board for a period of time.
Where appropriate, the following additional interventions may be added to any violation:
- Alternative Placement:
Optional short‐term placement program for students who have met guidelines. - Apology:
Written or verbal statement of, acknowledgment of, and accountability for, the offense. - At-Risk Committee:
A team of staff members who work together to help students become and remain successful in school. - Choices Counseling/Conflict Resolution:
Programs designed to teach students to deal with conflict in a constructive manner. - Classroom Reassignment:
Reassignment of a student to a new class because of student misbehavior. - Community Service:
May be served at the school outside of the school day by assisting school staff in carrying out their duties. - Counselor Referral:
Student is referred to their school counselor or an independent counselor. - Evaluation and Counseling:
Student must complete a drug/alcohol assessment to determine the appropriate course of treatment. Once the assessment is completed, student must participate in recommended counseling sessions. - Law Enforcement Referral:
When appropriate, students will be referred to the police for violations that are also violations of city, state, or federal laws. - Restitution:
When appropriate, students will reimburse the school or others for financial damages. - Restrictions:
Removal of student privileges. - Risk/Threat Assessment:
Assessment conducted by an outside agency to determine the safety risk a student poses to a school environment. - Student Conference:
A meeting with administration and/or a counselor or team. - Student Contract:
A written plan or agreement to address discipline concerns. - Warning:
Discussion and plan for change.
- Detention:
Infractions & Consequences
Academic Infractions
Notice: Students in grades K-6 are required to attend 160 days of school. An extended summer school will be required for those who fail to meet the required attendance standard. See Board Policy JBA.
Academic Dishonesty
Definition: Using or submitting work that is not your own, also known as cheating, plagiarism, copying, transferring computer files, etc. Students will be expected to follow classroom instructions relating to academic integrity.
Consequences:Consequences of Academic Dishonesty Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Warning and/or Restrictions
- Redo the Assignment
2nd - ISS (1 day)
- Redo the Assignment
- Referral to Counselor
3rd+ or more - ISS (2 days)
- Redo the Assignment
Neglecting Obligations
Definition: Neglecting to complete disciplinary obligations such as detention, suspension after school, or community service.
Consequences:Consequences of Neglecting Obligations Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Warning and/or Restrictions
2nd - ISS (1 day)
3rd+ or more - ISS (2 days)
Report bullying incidents at
www.oxfordsd.org/ReportBullying.Notice: A meeting of the parent/guardian of a student(s) and appropriate school officials must be held whenever a student is found to have engaged in bullying or is found to have engaged in physical assault or battery of another person on the school bus.
Definition: Physical, verbal, written, or electronic conduct, directed toward a student that is: 1) Unwanted, 2) Repeated, and 3) Involves an imbalance of power. These actions are so pervasive, severe, and objectively offensive, that they: 1) have the purpose of creating or resulting in an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment, or 2) have the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student’s academic performance, which deprives the student access to educational opportunities.
Consequences:Consequences of Bullying Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Apology
- ISS (1 day)
- Parent Conference
2nd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
3rd - SUS (1 to 2 days)
4th+ or more - SUS (2 to 4 days)
- Referral to At-Risk Team
Definition: Harassment is a form of discrimination. Physical, verbal, or electronic communication conduct related to a person’s race, religion, national origin, age, gender (including pregnancy), disability, sexual orientation, military status, genetic information or other category protected by law. The District specifically prohibits any form of harassment that is sexual in nature. Includes, but is not limited to, verbal harassment or abuse, implied or overt threat(s), physical acts of aggression, and intimidating behavior, which have the effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student’s education, use of services, or participation in activities.
Consequences:Consequences of Harassment Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Apology
- ISS (1 day)
- Parent Conference
2nd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
- Restrictions
3rd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
- Restrictions
4th+ or more - SUS (2 to 4 days)
- Referral to At-Risk Team
Definition: Committing an act against a student or coercing a student to commit an act that creates risk of harm to a person, in order to be initiated into a student organization or class, or for any other purpose.
Consequences:Consequences of Hazing Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Apology
- ISS (1 day)
2nd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
- Restrictions
3rd - SUS (1 to 2 days)
- Restrictions
4th+ or more - SUS (2 to 4 days)
- Referral to At-Risk Team
Disrespect and Disobedience
Failure to Comply with Instructions
Definition: Communication or actions that demonstrate a lack of respect or courtesy toward an individual.
Consequences:Consequences of Failure to Comply with Instructions Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Warning
- Apology
- Restrictions
2nd - ISS (1 to 2 days)
- Detention
3rd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
4th+ or more - SUS (1 to 2 days)
- Referral to At-Risk Team
- Referral to Behavioral Team
Disrespectful Behavior
Definition: Communication or actions that demonstrate a lack of respect or courtesy toward an individual.
Consequences:Consequences of Disrespectful Behavior Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Warning
- Apology
- Restrictions
2nd - ISS (1 to 2 days)
- Detention
3rd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
4th+ or more - SUS (1 to 2 days)
- Referral to At-Risk Team
- Referral to Behavioral Team
Offensive Language/Gesture
Definition: Use of disgusting, hurtful, obscene or foul language, communication, or action.
Consequences:Consequences of Offensive Language/Gesture Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Warning
- Apology
- Restrictions
2nd - ISS (1 to 2 days)
3rd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
4th+ or more - ISS (5 days)
- Referral to At-Risk Team
- Referral to Behavioral Team
Non-Violent Playful Behavior
Definition: Excessive playful behavior which has the potential to cause harm accidentally (including playful hitting, pushing, shoving or other behaviors which could cause harm unintentionally).
Consequences:Consequences of Non-Violent Playful Behavior Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Warning
- Apology
- Restrictions
2nd - ISS (1 to 2 days)
3rd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
4th+ or more - ISS (5 days)
- Referral to At-Risk Team
- Referral to Behavioral Team
Continued Willful Disobedience
Definition: Student conduct deemed as unwillingness to submit to authority or refusal to respond to a reasonable request (including providing false information).
Consequences:Consequences of Continued Willful Disobedience Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - ISS (1 day) or Detention
2nd - ISS (2 to 3 days)
3rd - SUS (1 to 2 days)
- Referral to Behavioral Team
4th+ or more - SUS (2 to 4 days)
Offensive Language Directed at a Staff Member
Definition: Offensive language or gesture as defined above directed at a staff member.
Consequences:Consequences of Offensive Language Directed at a Staff Member Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - ISS (1 to 2 days)
2nd - ISS (2 to 3 days)
3rd - SUS (1 to 2 days)
- Referral to Behavioral Team
4th+ or more - SUS (2 to 4 days)
Chronic Disruption
Definition: Creating or contributing to a moderate disturbance that disrupts the normal operation of the school environment but doesn't pose a threat to the health or safety of others.
Consequences:Consequences of Chronic Disruption Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Warning
- Apology
- Restrictions
2nd - ISS (1 day)
3rd - ISS (1 to 3 days)
4th+ or more - ISS (2 to 4 days)
Electronic Devices
Cell Phones/Personal Devices
Definition: Possessing a cell phone, or other personal device (air pods, etc.), that is turned on, on school property between the first bell or last bell of the school day, or on buses contracted by the District, unless authorized by a school official, is in violation of this rule. Student must be actively using the device to be in violation.
Consequences:Consequences of Cell Phones/Personal Devices Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Item is confiscated and returned to student at the end of the school day
2nd - Item is confiscated and must be picked up by parent
3rd+ or more - Item is confiscated and must be picked up by parent or held in office for 5 days
Electronic Device/Technology Misuse
Definition: Unauthorized and/or non‐educational use of electronic devices/technology. Use of District technology is a privilege and not a right. If the misuse constitutes another violation, consequences consistent with the other violation may also be given.
Consequences:Consequences of Electronic Device/Technology Misuse Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Restricted Use (1 to 3 days)
2nd - Restricted Use (3 to 5 days)
3rd+ or more - Restricted Use (5 to 10 days)
Gang Activity
Gang Activity
Definition: Wearing or possessing gang‐related apparel and/or communication, whether verbal, gestures, handshakes, drawings, or writings, to convey membership or affiliation with a gang.
Consequences:Consequences of Gang Activity Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Warning
2nd - ISS (1 day)
3rd - ISS (1 to 2 days)
4th+ or more - ISS (2 to 4 days)
Property Infractions
Definition: Taking something that does not belong to you. Stealing, or attempting to steal, private or school property, or receiving school property.
Consequences:Consequences of Theft Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Apology
- Restrictions
- Restitution
2nd - Restrictions
- ISS (1 day)
- Restitution
3rd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
- Restitution
4th+ or more - Restrictions
- SUS (1 day)
- Restitution
Destruction of Property
Definition: Causing or attempting to cause damage to private or school property, or the repeated damage involving private or school property, including graffiti. This also includes the alteration of student or school computer programs or systems.
Consequences:Consequences of Destruction of Property Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Apology
- Restrictions
- Restitution
2nd - Restrictions
- ISS (1 day)
- Restitution
3rd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
- Restitution
4th+ or more - Restrictions
- SUS (1 day)
- Restitution
Sexual Misconduct
Notice: The Title IX9 Coordinator will always be notified in cases of Sexual Misconduct.
Notice: Sexual harassment or discrimination on the basis of gender is a violation of Federal Law and is prohibited in the Oxford School District. Any student who has a discrimination or harassment complaint should contact his/her counselor or a school administrator.
Pornographic Materials
Definition: Possessing, creating, or viewing obscene writings, drawings, photographs, videos, sound recordings, or the like.
Consequences:Consequences of Pornographic Materials Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - ISS (1 to 2 days)
- Restrictions
- Referral to Counselor
2nd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
3rd - SUS (1 day)
4th+ or more - SUS (2 to 4 days)
Sexual Activity
Definition: Touching of a sexual nature, attempting to engage or engaging in sexual activity, or exposing private body parts.
Consequences:Consequences of Sexual Activity Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - SUS (1 to 2 days)
- Referral to Counselor
2nd - SUS (2 to 4 days)
3rd - SUS (5 days)
4th+ or more - SUS (5 to 10 days)
- Disciplinary Hearing
- Consideration of Alternative Placement
Inappropriate Touching
Definition: Touching of non-intimate areas of another’s body, depending on the circumstances.
Consequences:Consequences of Sexual Activity Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - ISS (1 to 3 days)
- Referral to Counselor
2nd - SUS (1 to 2 days)
3rd - SUS (5 days)
- Referral to Behavioral Team
4th+ or more - SUS (5 to 10 days)
- Disciplinary Hearing
- Consideration of Alternative Placement
Substantial Disruptions and Illegal Activities
Notice – Gun-Free Schools: Any student who has been determined to have brought a firearm to school will be recommended for expulsion from the Oxford School District. In accordance with the Federal Safe School Act of 1994, the minimum period of expulsion will be at least one (1) year.
Fires and Misuse of Fire Alarms/Extinguishers
Definition: Causing, or attempting to cause, a fire on school grounds, pulling a fire alarm, or using a fire extinguisher without valid cause.
Consequences:Consequences of Fires and Misuse of Fire Alarms/Extinguishers Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - ISS (1 day)
2nd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
3rd - SUS (1 day)
4th+ or more - SUS (3 to 5 days)
Definition: Possessing, handling, or transmitting any object or material that is ordinarily considered a weapon, lookalike weapon, or any object that could place a person in reasonable fear of physical harm. Includes, but not limited to knives, razor blades, mace, and pepper spray.
Consequences:Consequences of Weapons Violation Minimum Consequence(s) All - SUS (9 days) pending disciplinary hearing
- Possibility of Expulsion or Alternative Placement
Bomb Threat or Threat of School Shooting
Definition: A threat to detonate an explosive or incendiary device to cause property damage, death, or injuries, whether or not such a device actually exists, or a substantial threat or plan to conduct a school shooting.
Consequences:Consequences of Bomb Threat or Threat of School Shooting Violation Minimum Consequence(s) All - SUS (9 days) pending disciplinary hearing
- Possibility of Expulsion or Alternative Placement
Definition: Carrying, possessing, storing, keeping, leaving, placing, or putting into the possession of another person, any firearm, including an air gun.
Consequences:Consequences of Firearms Violation Minimum Consequence(s) All - SUS (9 days) pending disciplinary hearing
- Possibility of Expulsion or Alternative Placement
Tobacco, Vape, and Alcohol Products
Lighters & Matches
Definition: Possession of lighters or matches.
Consequences:Consequences of Lighters & Matches Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Restrictions
- Referral to Counselor
2nd - ISS (1 to 3 days)
3rd - ISS (2 to 4 days)
4th+ or more - SUS (1 day)
Tobacco, Vapor, and Alcohol Products
Definition: Using, possessing, selling, or dispensing of tobacco and/or vapor products, alcohol and related items, regardless of nicotine content, such as, but not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, loose leaf tobacco, vapor pens, e-cigarettes, and e‐liquids and oils. See Policy JCDAA: Use of Tobacco and Smoking Devices.
Consequences:Consequences of Tobacco, Vape, and Alcohol Products Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - ISS (1 to 2 days)
- Vaping Education
- Referral to Counselor
2nd - SUS (1 day)
3rd - SUS (2 days)
- Referral to School Resource Officer (SRO)
4th+ or more - SUS (4 days)
- Referral to Counselor
- Referral to SRO
Mood-Altering Chemicals, Substances, and Paraphernalia
Definition: Using, possessing, or being under the influence, of any mood‐altering chemicals, substances, or controlled substances, or controlled substances without a valid prescription, or drug paraphernalia, including vapor pens/e‐cigarettes. This includes transferring, delivering, or receiving any medications to or from another student and using medication for purposes other than for its intended use.
- Definition of “Under the Influence”: Any detectable amount of a mood‐altering substance, such as steroids, marijuana, inhalants, alcohol, or other drugs.
- Definition of “Distribution”: Selling, dispensing, or possessing an amount that suggests distribution of a mood-altering chemical or substance.
Consequences:Consequences of Mood-Altering Chemicals, Substances, and Paraphernalia Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - SUS (9 days)
- Referral to School Resource Officer (SRO)
- Referral to Counselor
2nd+ or more - SUS (9 days) pending disciplinary hearing
- Alternative Placement
- Referral to SRO
Verbal and Physical Altercations
Notice – Acts of Physical Violence Against School System Employees: The Oxford School District Board of Trustees is required by Mississippi law to hear any case alleging an assault or battery or an act of physical violence against a teacher, school bus driver or other school official or employee. The principal will determine all issues of fact and intent and submit all findings and recommendations to the Superintendent.
Notice – Fighting Ordinance: In addition to school disciplinary action, students are hereby notified that school resource officers are authorized to make arrests and to issue citations for fights occurring on school grounds.
Physical Aggression Toward a Student
Definition: Aggressive behavior with the potential to cause physical harm towards others, including a forceful action, attitude, or behavior that is expressed physically towards another student.
Consequences:Consequences of Physical Aggression Toward a Student Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - ISS (1 to 3 days)
2nd - ISS (5 days)
3rd+ or more - SUS (3 days)
- Behavioral Referral
Intimidation/Threat Toward a Student
Definition: Use of coercion, force, threats, violence, intimidation or similar conduct, that constitutes a threat to another student’s safety or interferes with school purposes.
Consequences:Consequences of Intimidation/Threat Toward a Student Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - ISS (3 to 5 days)
2nd - SUS (3 days)
- Referral to Behavioral Team
3rd - SUS (3 to 5 days)
4th+ or more - SUS (5 to 10 days)
- Consideration of Alternative Placement
Definition: A physical conflict involving two or more students.
Consequences:Consequences of Fighting Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - SUS (1 to 3 days)
- Referral to Counselor
2nd - SUS (3 to 5 days)
- Referral to Behavioral Team
3rd - SUS (5 to 9 days)
- Consideration of Alternative Placement
4th+ or more - SUS (9 days) pending disciplinary hearing
- Consideration of Alternative Placement
Physical Injury of a Student
Definition: Causing physical injury to another student. Cases in which physical injury are caused by accident or other action undertaken on the reasonable belief that it was necessary to protect another person or self shall not constitute a violation of this rule.
Consequences:Consequences of Physical Injury of a Student Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - Restrictions
- Referral to Counselor
2nd - ISS (1 to 2 days)
- Referral to Behavioral Team
3rd - SUS (1 to 2 days)
4th+ or more - SUS (5 days)
- Consideration of Alternative Placement
Physical Aggression Toward Staff
Definition: Aggressive behavior with the potential to cause physical harm towards others, including a forceful action, attitude, or behavior that is expressed physically toward a staff member.
Consequences:Consequences of Physical Aggression Toward Staff Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - SUS (1 day)
- Referral to Counselor
2nd - SUS (3 days)
- Referral to Behavioral Team
3rd - SUS (5 days)
- Referral to School Resource Office (SRO)
4th+ or more - SUS (5 days)
- Consideration of Alternative Placement
Intimidation/Threat Toward Staff
Definition: Use of coercion, force, threats, violence, intimidation or similar conduct that constitutes a threat to a staff member’s safety or interferes with school purposes.
Consequences:Consequences of Intimidation/Threat Toward Staff Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - SUS (1 to 2 days)
- Referral to Counselor
2nd - SUS (2 to 4 days)
- Referral to Behavioral Team
3rd - SUS (5 days)
4th+ or more - SUS (5 days)
- Consideration of Alternative Placement
Physical Injury of Staff
Definition: Causing physical injury to a staff member. Cases in which physical injury are caused by accident or other action undertaken on the reasonable belief that it was necessary to protect another person or self shall not constitute a violation of this rule.
Consequences:Consequences of Physical Injury of Staff Violation Minimum Consequence(s) 1st - SUS (4 days)
- Referral to Counselor
2nd - SUS (5 days)
- Referral to Behavioral Team
3rd+ or more - SUS (9 days) pending disciplinary hearing
- Consideration of Alternative Placement
Additional Infractions
Students who cause someone else to commit a violation, help in the commission of a violation, or who encourage, advise, or act with another to commit a violation will be disciplined as though they committed the violation themselves.Transportation behavior:
While on district‐provided transportation (including, but not limited to a bus or cab), students shall adhere to the same behavior expectations, standards, and consequences as at school. Consequence will be consistent with the violation committed, which may include suspension of riding privileges.Infractions off school grounds:
Activities that occur outside of the school environment but substantially disturb the school environment are subject to the consequences listed in this matrix.Other campuses:
Any violation committed by a student on another campus shall be punished in the same manner as if the violation had been committed at the student’s assigned school.