• Discipline Matrix: 2nd through 5th Grade

    Due Process:  Students shall be afforded due process rights. This includes the right to:

    1. be informed of conduct which would result in disciplinary action against the student;
    2. notice of the rule violation;
    3. explanation of the evidence supporting the charge including, but not limited to, staff or student corroboration and/or camera footage;
    4. an opportunity to present the student’s side of the story;
    5. a penalty that is proportionate to the violation.

    Notification of Parents/Guardians:  When discipline is imposed, parents/guardians will be contacted by email and/or mailing of the office referral and/or by phone to make them aware of the situation and to discuss appropriate steps to resolve the situation or to address a future situation.

      Consequence Definitions

      • Consequence Definitions

        • Detention:
          Discipline which requires students to serve time before, during, or after school.
        • In‐School Suspension (ISS):
          Temporary denial to a student by a principal of participation in a class. Suspension will be served in school and the student will receive credit for completed class work. Students with IEPs will continue to receive services from their support teacher.
        • Out-of-School Suspension (SUS):
          Temporary denial to a student by the Principal, Superintendent, or School Board, of participation in a class or classes.
        • Alternative Placement:
          Temporary denial to a student by the Superintendent or School Board of participation in school for more than ten days, but not to exceed ninety days.
        • Expulsion:
          Denial of a student’s membership in school by the school board for a period of time.

        Where appropriate, the following additional interventions may be added to any violation:

        • Alternative Placement:
          Optional short‐term placement program for students who have met guidelines.
        • Apology:
          Written or verbal statement of, acknowledgment of, and accountability for, the offense.
        • At-Risk Committee:
          A team of staff members who work together to help students become and remain successful in school.
        • Choices Counseling/Conflict Resolution:
          Programs designed to teach students to deal with conflict in a constructive manner.
        • Classroom Reassignment:
          Reassignment of a student to a new class because of student misbehavior.
        • Community Service:
          May be served at the school outside of the school day by assisting school staff in carrying out their duties.
        • Counselor Referral:
          Student is referred to their school counselor or an independent counselor.
        • Evaluation and Counseling:
          Student must complete a drug/alcohol assessment to determine the appropriate course of treatment. Once the assessment is completed, student must participate in recommended counseling sessions.
        • Law Enforcement Referral:
          When appropriate, students will be referred to the police for violations that are also violations of city, state, or federal laws.
        • Restitution:
          When appropriate, students will reimburse the school or others for financial damages.
        • Restrictions:
          Removal of student privileges.
        • Risk/Threat Assessment:
          Assessment conducted by an outside agency to determine the safety risk a student poses to a school environment.
        • Student Conference:
          A meeting with administration and/or a counselor or team.
        • Student Contract:
          A written plan or agreement to address discipline concerns.
        • Warning:
          Discussion and plan for change.

      Infractions & Consequences

      • Academic Infractions

      • Bullying/Harassment/Hazing

      • Disrespect and Disobedience

      • Disruption

      • Electronic Devices

      • Gang Activity

      • Property Infractions

      • Sexual Misconduct

      • Substantial Disruptions and Illegal Activities

      • Tobacco, Vape, and Alcohol Products

      • Verbal and Physical Altercations

      • Additional Infractions

      Last Modified on January 28, 2025