• Equity Task Force

    photo of teacher reading to a diverse group of young studentsThe OSD Equity Task Force (ETF) is a diverse group of dedicated educators and parents committed to ensuring that every child in our district has the opportunity to excel and thrive. This outcome is made real through equity. Equity is achieved when group identity no longer predicts the course of a person’s life and every child has what they need to succeed.

    Like our nation, OSD serves a group of students that reflect a diverse cross-section of identities — including those that have experienced both historic marginalization and ongoing discrimination. The ETF works to overcome the disparities that result by mending gaps in equity in order to broaden opportunities for every child.

    The ETF knows we are a better and stronger school district when our kids are the center of our focus and when our community stands behind that focus. We believe that our objectives echo the sentiments of every parent in our district — that your children deserve to learn in an environment where they feel safe and valued and have access to resources to promote their social, emotional and academic success.

      Area of Focus

      • Information coming soon.


      • Information coming soon.

      Building the ETF

      • Information coming soon.

      ETF Members

      • Information coming soon.

      Last Modified on February 1, 2023