• Career Technical Education

    Career Technical Education (C.T.E.) programming is designed to allow students to obtain relevant and rigorous experience in coursework connected to a specific career cluster.

    Pathway Courses:
    Pathway courses are two-year programs that focus on a designated career cluster and career pathways. The programming is designed to allow students to obtain relevant and rigorous experience in coursework connected to a specific career cluster. Each high school pathway course will also offer a final course option for work-based learning, real-world application of the program, and in some cases, industry-recognized certifications. Ideally, a student will finish all four semesters of a high school pathway course.

    Enhancement Courses:
    Enhancement courses are one-year courses that support the pathways programs. They are typically taken prior to a two-year pathway program as a gateway course to help students develop a deeper understanding of a certain pathway. Enhancement courses are offered at both Oxford High School and Oxford Middle School. Additionally, Work-based Learning is offered as a complimentary course to any pathway program.

What is CTE?

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Last Modified on November 18, 2024