• Turning the Portrait of a Graduate into a Reality for Every Student

    The official implementation of the Portrait requires a thorough analysis of our district’s systems to identify the changes that will be required to take this vision to scale.

    Oxford School District will consider these important aspects of our system:

    Strategic Planning:
    Use the Portrait as the key driver of strategic planning.

    Systems Design:
    Intentionally align all aspects of our district to make the Portrait of a Graduate a reality for every student.

    Human Capital Systems:
    Recruit, grow, and retain talent who models 21st century learning and creates meaningful learning experiences for all students.

    21st Century Learning and Assessment Design:
    Design curriculum and lessons that create educational experiences that lead to deeper learning for all students.

    Executive Coaching and Leadership Development

    The design of the Oxford School District Portrait of a Graduate will reach completion and be presented to the Oxford School District Board of Trustees at the Regular Called Board Meeting on July 23, 2018.