- Oxford School District
- Report Bullying Incident
- Frequently Asked Questions
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Parents’ Frequently Asked Questions
Anti-Bullying Policies, Procedures, and Practices
What can I do if my child is being bullied at school?
Posted by:Parents/guardians can access “Report of Bullying/Harassment Incident” forms in their school’s main office or online at: www.oxfordsd.org/ReportBullying. The forms can be submitted to any staff member at your school and they will turn it in to the principal.
Parents/guardians can also verbally communicate concerns about bullying incidences to any staff member, who will then complete a “Report of Bullying/Harassment Incident.”
If my child is being bullied/cyberbullied outside of school, what is the school’s responsibility?
Posted by:The Oxford School District’s Bullying Policy (JDDA) prohibits bullying on school property, at any school-sponsored function, or on a school bus, or when it takes place off school property when such conduct, in the determination of the school superintendent or principal, renders the offending person’s presence in the classroom a disruption to the educational environment of the school or a detriment to the best interest and welfare of the pupils and teacher of such class as a whole.
While it is not the responsibility of school staff to respond to incidences of bullying that occur outside of district grounds and during activities not sponsored by the district, these incidences often can carry over and have an impact at school. Counselors are available at each school to assist individual students with challenges outside the school environment and provide conflict mediation.
If I file a report of bullying with the school, what follow-up communication can I expect?
Posted by:You will be notified following the investigation of the determination that was made – meaning, whether the report was determined to be unfounded or founded and, if founded, whether the incident was determined to be bullying or bullying/harassment.
You will be notified of the possible interventions available to your child and provided with a description of steps taken to assist your child including a safety plan, if appropriate. The school can NOT share information regarding disciplinary action and/or interventions implemented with other students (i.e. the student engaging in the bullying behavior) due to policies around confidentiality.
If I am not satisfied with the school’s response after filing a report, what next steps can I take?
Posted by:Students and/or parents/guardians can appeal the determination made regarding the incident. To make an appeal, file a written letter of complaint, including the date and a signature, with the Superintendent of the Oxford School District, 1637 Highway 30 East, Oxford, MS 38655. For more information call Teasha Blackmon at (662) 234-3541.