• Dropout Prevention Plan

    Download a printable copy of the Dropout Prevention Plan.

    The purpose of the Dropout Prevention Plan is to increase graduation rates through research and evidence-based solutions.

    The Oxford School District Dropout Prevention Team:

    Early Warning System (EWS) uses readily available data to:

    • Identify students at risk of missing key educational milestones,
    • Recognize factors that are negatively impacting their learning and behavior, and
    • Provide supports and interventions that help get students back on track for success in school and, ultimately, to graduation.

    Data gathered as part of the Early Warning System can be examined to better understand the needs of individual students, groups of students, or the school.

    The strongest predictors of high school graduation are student attendance, behavior, and course performance (University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research, 2014). Gathering and analyzing data pertaining to these indicators can assist a school in identifying students who are:

    • On track for graduation (similar to Tier I in Multi-Tiered System of Supports),
    • Sliding off track (similar to Tier II in Multi-Tiered System of Supports), or
    • Off track (similar to Tier III in Multi-Tiered System of Supports).

    Once the school has identified struggling students (those in the ‘sliding off track’ and ‘off track’ categories), appropriate interventions can be selected and implemented. This will ensure that each student has appropriate supports matched to his/her needs, thereby resulting in each student getting back on track for graduation (Johns Hopkins, 2010).

  • Establishing and Training EWS Teams

  • School Level Early Warning System Team(s)

  • Meeting Schedule for Early Warning System Team(s)

  • Early Warning System Indicators

  • Prescribing and Mapping Intervention

  • Appendix A

  • Appendix B

Last Modified on January 13, 2025