This organization has been formed and shall exist for the primary purpose of promoting a high degree of community and parent interest, support, and sponsorship of the OHS Marine Corps JROTC program.
Our purpose is to support our cadets and their instructors by providing financial resources, fundraising opportunities, continued assistance and encouragement during the school year.
Membership is open to all parents of students involved in the program who wish to support the program.
Why Join the Booster Club
Every membership is important to the JROTC Booster Club. Your membership and involvement provide your cadets with enhanced opportunities for growth and leadership.
As a member your volunteer service will greatly improve the program, ensure all cadets benefit from a wide range of experiences and provide essential items that our cadets deserve.
Booster Club Involvement
The Booster Club is involved in the following ways:
Community Service
USMC Birthday Ball
Veteran's Day Ceremony
Awards Night Ceremony
Promotion Ceremonies (each nine weeks)
Drill and Athletic Competitions
Regional Athletic Meet
Cadet Leadership Camps
Field Trips
New Clothing (polo shirts, pullovers, windbreakers, athletic shirts and shorts)
How Can You Join?
Complete a membership registration form & provide a dues payment of $25.00 to a Board member.
Take a registration form home, fill it out, and mail it to: OHS MCJROTC, 101Charger Loop, Oxford, MS 38655, along with the $25.00 membership dues.
Complete online registration by clicking the following link: