- Oxford School District
- Gifted Curriculum Materials
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OSD Gifted Curriculum Resource Materials
The Oxford School District (OSD) Curriculum Department currently houses the following collection of instructional materials related to the instruction of Gifted Students. The materials offer theory and practice guidance with regard to differentiated instruction, multiple intelligences, and gifted education. Please use the materials check-out form to check out materials. Please contact Marilyn Barnes at mvbarnes@oxfordsd.org for assistance.
- At Work in the Differentiated Classroom, Volume 1
- At Work in the Differentiated Classroom, Volume 2
- Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Reading in the Content Areas
Carolyn Chapman and Rita King, 2008 - Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Gayle H. Gregory and Carolyn Chapman, 2007 - Differentiated Literacy Strategies for Student Growth and Achievement in Grades 7-12
Gayle H. Gregory and Lin Kuzmich, 2005 - Differentiating Instruction With Style: Aligning Teacher and Learner Intelligences for Maximum Achievement
Gayle H. Gregory, 2005 - Effective Teaching Strategies That Accommodate Diverse Learners
Michael D. Coyne, Edward J. Kame’enui, and Douglas W. Carnie, 2007 - How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms
Carol Ann Tomlinson, 2001 - Leadership for Differentiating Schools and Classrooms
Carol Ann Tomlinson and Susan Demirsky Allan, 2000 - Methods for Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners
John J. Hoover, Janette K. Klingner, Leonard M. Baca, and James M. Patton, 2008 - Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice
Howard Gardner, 1993 - What Successful Teachers Do in Diverse Classrooms: 71 Research-Based Classroom Strategies for New and Veteran Teachers
Neal A. Glasgow, Sarah J. McNary, and Cathy D. Hicks, 2006
Last Modified on May 19, 2023