- Oxford School District
- Program Plan
English Learners
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English Learner Program Plan
I1. Introduction
The Oxford School District (OSD) consists of one early childhood center, four elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. The total enrollment in the district is approximately 4,756. Of this number, 460 students are current English Learners (EL). The English Learners in the Oxford School District speak over 41 different languages. The EL Program serves students in grades K-12.
Forty-two students exited from the EL program in 2024. These students, along with exiting students from 2021, 2022, and 2023 make up the 145 students who are currently on monitor status. After program exit, students are monitored for four years.
Definition of an English Learner (EL)
An EL is a student:
- Who is aged 3 to 21;
- Who is enrolled or preparing to enroll in an elementary or secondary school;
- Who was not born in the United States or whose native language is a language other than English; and
- Where difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language may be sufficient to deny the individual:
- The ability to meet the State’s proficient level of achievement on State assessments described in section 1111(b)(3)
- The ability to successfully achieve in classrooms where the language of instruction is English; and
- The opportunity to participate fully in society.
The EL program is supported with Federal Title I1, Part A funds, ARP ESSER funds, and Title III3 LEP and immigrant funds where applicable, along with state and local funds.
It is the policy of the Oxford School District that no compulsory school-aged individual shall, on the grounds of race, color, disability, sex, religion, or national origin be excluded from the full participation in or be denied the benefits of the educational programs provided by the school district as applicable.
II2. Program Overview and Educational Approach
EL students receive core instruction in the general education classroom in an immersive setting with English-speaking peers. In-person learning environments are available in the Oxford School District. The general education program provides students with differentiated learning opportunities using evidence-based instructional practices and accommodations for English Learners.
Students will receive EL services based upon English proficiency levels and individual needs as determined by each student’s Language Service Plan (LSP). The program operates using a pull-out/push-in instructional model in elementary school and an ESL course-based model in the middle and high schools. The EL teacher develops the EL curriculum goals based on the state guidelines for English Learners and implements evidence-based strategies recommended by the Mississippi Department of Education. It is the overall goal of the program for students to become proficient in the English language within four years of beginning EL services.
Therefore, the Oxford School District focuses on ten standards to help students gain proficiency in English Language acquisition, make progress in core content areas of instruction, and earn the Carnegie units necessary in high school to graduate. Each goal is supported by the Mississippi English Language Proficiency Standards (MS-ELP) and the Mississippi Alternate English Proficiency Standards for EL students with significant cognitive disabilities (MS-Alt-ELP), as applicable.
- Standard 1:
Construct meaning from oral presentations and literary and informational text through grade-appropriate listening, reading, and viewing. - Standard 2:
Participate in grade-appropriate oral and written exchanges of information, ideas, and analyses, responding to peer, audience, or reader comments and questions. - Standard 3:
Speak and write about grade-appropriate complex literary and informational texts and topics. - Standard 4:
Construct grade-appropriate oral and written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence. For MS-Alt-ELP: Construct grade-appropriate oral and written claims. - Standard 5:
Conduct research and evaluate and communicate findings to answer questions or solve problems. - Standard 6:
Analyze and critique the arguments of others orally and in writing. - Standard 7:
Adapt language choices to purpose, task, and audience when speaking and writing. - Standard 8:
Determine the meaning of words and phrases in oral presentations and literary and informational text. - Standard 9:
Create clear and coherent grade-appropriate speech and text. - Standard 10:
Make accurate use of standard English to communicate in grade-appropriate speech and writing.
- Standard 1:
III3. Process for Enrolling and Identifying EL or Immigrant Students
The Oxford School District will follow guidelines as required by Plyler v. Doe and Title III. Specifically, the following procedures will be implemented for the enrollment of immigrant and/or English Learner students:
- The Oxford School District recognizes that the right to public education regardless of a student’s immigrant or English-speaking status is guaranteed.
- The Oxford School District will not require proof of citizenship or legal residence to enroll or to provide services to identified students.
- The Oxford School District will not ask about the student or a parent’s legal immigration status.
- Parents are not required to provide a Social Security number. The Oxford School District does not require a Social Security number for any student for enrollment and not will require a Social Security number for LEP (limited English proficiency) or Immigrant students. When a student enrolls, the director of registration or his/her designee will assign a number in the Mississippi Student Identification System (MSIS) to assure proper enrollment of the student.
- Students will not be barred from enrollment based on the lack of immunizations. The Oxford School District will assist students in obtaining immunizations as applicable.
- Students are entitled to receive school services and participate in school activities as applicable, including but not limited to the following:
- transportation,
- educational services (ESSA, IDEA, etc.), and
- gifted education services.
As a part of enrollment, the parent, legal guardian, accompanying adult, or unaccompanied student will complete the district enrollment application which includes the Home Language Survey (HLS). Proof of residency in the school district boundaries, proof of immunization, and proof of age as required by MS Code 37-15-9 will be collected for enrollment as available. However, the Oxford School District will not bar LEP or Immigrant students from enrollment based on a lack of required documents and/or immunizations as allowable by federal regulations.
The Oxford School District Registration Department will collect enrollment information, distribute the enrollment information, and notify the appropriate EL service provider, the school records clerk, school counselor, and/or administrator within five days of a potential EL student’s enrollment if the HLS indicates a language other than English is the first or home language. The HLS will be added to the student’s cumulative file.
In order to ensure that students are accurately screened. The EL coordinator, school principal, counselor, or designee may contact the parent for clarification with regards to the home language survey. Contacts of this nature should be documented.
The EL service provider will assess the student using the state-approved screening instrument. The test is used to determine if the student qualifies for support from the English Learner program and to facilitate appropriate instructional and program placement decisions. The results of screening assessments will be sent to the district EL Coordinator within 30 calendar days of the beginning of the school year or within 10 school days after enrollment if said enrollment takes place after the beginning of the school year. Parental permission is not required for EL screening. All students meeting the Immigrant and/or LEP indicator will be marked in the student data program.
The school EL service provider, or the EL Coordinator, will send written communication, either paper or digital, to the parent or guardian informing him or her of the assessment results and if the student is eligible to be placed in the English Learner program. This notification will take place no later than 30 calendar days after the beginning of the school year, or 10 school days after enrollment when the enrollment takes place after the beginning of the school year. The Notification of English Learner Services will be in a language parents can understand to the extent practical and practicable. Parents may opt-out of EL services at this time. Documentation of parent opt-out will be kept on file.
The district will maintain documentation of the following:
- Registration Form
- Criteria for Enrollment of Potential EL Students
- Parent Notification
- Language Service Plan/Monitoring documentation
- Waiver of Services (Opt-Out)
- Annual English Language Proficiency Test results & Initial ELPT Screener results
- Home Language Survey
Each school will form a collaborative EL student evaluation team (SET) to develop the Language Service Plans (LSP) for each EL student. The plan will be kept online annually until the student attains EL exit status. The team will consist of the EL service provider, a parent, a teacher, a counselor, an administrator, and the intervention coordinator and interpreter where applicable. Language service plans and student progress will be reviewed quarterly.
IV4. Procedures for Annually Assessing EL Students
All students classified as Current EL will be assessed annually using the statewide English Language Proficiency test (ELPT).
The District Test Coordinator (DTC) or designee will attend MDE training sessions for administering the statewide EL assessment and disseminate information to the school test coordinators (STC) and the EL Coordinator.
The DTC will inform school test coordinators of the testing window mandated by the state and will ensure that materials are available for assessing students during the selected window.
All EL students will be reassessed annually using the statewide ELPT assessment. Qualified school personnel will administer the statewide ELPT assessment according to MDE Office of Student Assessment guidelines and the district test security plan.
The DTC will receive copies of the statewide ELPT assessment reports during the summer and will distribute the reports to the school principal or counselor and EL Coordinator as applicable.
Parents will be notified of the results of the statewide ELPT assessment within 30 days of school resuming in the fall where applicable.
V5. Process of Exiting Students from EL Services
Students must achieve the following assessment scores on English Language Proficiency Test (EPLT) in order to officially exit EL status:
- Overall Proficiency Level 4 or 5, and
- Reading Proficiency Level 4 or 5, and
- Writing Proficiency Level 4 or 5.
VI6. Process for Monitoring Students Exited from EL Services
Students who have achieved the aforementioned proficiency levels will exit the program and must be monitored for a period of four academic years. Monitoring for a minimum of four years will consist of the following responsibilities on the part of the EL Coordinator, EL Teacher, Counselor, Interventionist, and/or school administrator:
- contact teacher(s) each 9-week period to determine if the student is adjusting and succeeding academically and sustaining the criteria used to exit from the EL program;
- review grades and progress reports;
- review standardized test scores or pertinent school-level data.
If monitoring shows the student is falling behind as evidenced by classroom work, grades, and/or English language skills, the student will be given further language acquisition or content support through the MTSS/RTI process as required by current Mississippi English Learner Guidelines (2018).
VII7. Programs and Services for Identified EL Students
The Oxford School District EL Program uses pull-out/push-in services at the elementary school level and ESL/EL courses at the middle and high school level. Students receive their primary instruction in the regular classroom from the regular classroom teacher. The EL program includes methods and services to teach EL students English language skills (i.e. speaking, listening, reading, and writing of English) and ensures that EL students can participate in the academic and special programs (e.g. social studies, science, music, art, vocational education) offered by the district. The district will provide training opportunities for general education teachers so that the EL students can effectively participate in classroom activities and comprehend the academic material being presented. Services to EL students are based on individual student needs as documented in their Language Service Plan. Determination of services is based on the statewide ELPT assessment results, other academic information, and teacher observation. The amount of time and type of services provided to students are based on individual student needs. Parents are notified of the type of program services available and other options for EL students in a language that the parent can understand. Parents will be notified within 30 days when the student enrolls at the beginning of the school year or within the first two weeks of enrollment if the student enrolls anytime thereafter. All current EL students will be assessed using the statewide ELPT assessment in the spring. Parents will be notified of the results within 30 days of school resuming in the fall if such test results are applicable.
VIII8. Staffing, Training, and Resources
The district will provide EL teachers and tutors as funding becomes available. EL students in grades K-12 will receive direct instruction from the regular education classroom teachers and additional services from the EL teachers and/or tutors.
Training is provided for the regular classroom teachers during the school year as professional development opportunities are available. The amount, type, and schedule of training will be determined each year based on the needs of staff and students.
Classroom teachers are qualified in the subject matter they teach and receive training for EL instruction; however, the district will encourage them to participate in ongoing EL professional development. Meeting the academic needs of EL learners is included in the district professional development plan.
Materials and resources are provided to meet EL needs. The district is currently utilizing supplemental instructional programs that focus on:
- Listening Comprehension,
- Reading Comprehension,
- Speaking, and
- Writing.
The EL Coordinator ensures that program materials are provided to teachers to aid the EL students in developing English proficiency and meeting all annual measurable achievement objectives outlined by the Mississippi Department of Education. Resources are purchased based on need and availability of funds.
The district ensures that administrators, faculty, and staff are kept abreast of regulations and guidelines for EL students. The EL plan is shared with teachers and administrators annually and will be disseminated via email, the Oxford School District website, and OSD news.
IX9. Procedures for Participation in Extracurricular Activities
EL students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular and non-academic activities. No district service or program will be closed to students based on enrollment in the EL program.
X10. Procedures for Participation in the Multi-Tiered System of Support Process (MTSS)
No district service or program will be closed to EL students on the basis of enrollment in the EL program, including participation in the Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) process. Procedures for participating in the process are the same as for all students; however, interpretation of the score reports, the examination of annual growth on the statewide EL assessment, and consideration of vocabulary in each content area are considered in decisions made by the MTSS team. EL instruction and program services are considered to be a part of the general curriculum for those EL students. Communication used to notify parents and students of available services takes into account language barriers.
XI11. Procedures for Participation in Gifted/Special Education
The district will ensure equal educational opportunities for EL students. The process for referral of an EL student is the same as the process outlined for all students. Identification for any of these programs cannot be made with disregard to the native language, and appropriate measurement instruments will be used.
XII12. Procedures for Participation in Athletics or Mississippi High School Activities Association (MHSAA) Programs
The process for referral of an EL student is the same as the process outlined for all students:
- Any member of the EL student’s set team or other representative may notify or make the coach aware of the student’s interest to participate.
- Meet eligibility requirements established by MDE, MHSAA, and the OSD, including a health clearance from a physician and other health related requirements as applicable
- Attend try-outs with other students or request a private try-out if entering after the initial try-out period, as allowed by MHSAA rules.
- If selected to participate based on ability, the student must adhere to all discipline and academic requirements set by MHSAA, the OSD, and individual coaches, band directors, or activity sponsors.
- Not all sports or activities have a number of players allowed on the team based on ability. Therefore, a student would simply make the coach aware if he/she wishes to participate and follow all practice and game rules as instructed by the coach according to the MHSAA and the OSD regulations.
XIII13. Procedures for Parent Communication
The Oxford School District has a legal obligation to communicate meaningfully with English Learner parents and families and to adequately notify them of information about any program, services or activities presented to English Learner parents. Successful communication provides English Learner parents, guardians, and families with the school-related information they need to make informed decisions about and to be helpful participants in their children’s education. This may include but is not limited to information about language assistance programs, special education and related services, grievance procedures, notices of nondiscrimination, student discipline policies and procedures, registration and enrollment requirements, report cards, requests for parent or guardian permission for student participation in district or school activities, parent-teacher conferences, parent handbooks, and gifted programs.
XIV14. Procedures for EL Program Planning, Evaluation, and Improvement
Formative assessment of goals and practices will be analyzed regularly through professional learning communities. Program updates will be presented at OSD administrative meetings as needed. Pertinent updates will be presented to the school board, as needed.
A summative assessment of program goals and all program elements will be conducted annually as applicable. Upon receipt of the state assessment results, data will be disaggregated and reviewed to determine the needs of EL students and if the program goals are being met. The program will also be evaluated using the statewide ELPT assessment data, end of year report cards, as well as parent input through surveys or meetings.
The EL District Plan will be implemented at the beginning of the school year and evaluated by stakeholders. The plan will be updated and sent to the School Board for approval annually. A copy of the plan will be disseminated to stakeholders via the school website.