Frequently Asked Questions

  • Student FAQ

    Who are the librarians?

    Ms. Osborne, Librarian

    Assistant Librarian

    What time does the library open?
    The library opens at 7:45 AM. for zero period

    What time does the library close?
    The library closes at 4:00 PM.

    Does the library give out loaners if I forgot my iPad?
    No.  However, your teacher can give you permission to work on a desktop computer in the library.  Loaners are managed by the Tech. department. 

    Does the library check out chargers for my laptop?
    No. You may leave your device at the charging station. 

    Is the library open for lunch?
    Yes.  You may eat your lunch in the library.  Everyone is expected to keep the library clean by disgarding trash and wiping up spills. 

    Can I print in the library?
    Yes, one printed copy for class assignments is free.  

    How many books can I check out at one time?

    How long can I keep a book?
    3 weeks

    Are there overdue fines?
    No, but you will be charged for the book if it is not returned.

    Do you sell earbuds?
    Yes, earbuds cost $1.

    Do you sell school supplies?
    The library has a number of school supplies.  Please ask Ms. Osborne if you supplies for school. 

    Can I recommend titles for the library to consider purchasing?
    Yes, click here to recommend a title.

    How do I access the online library catalog?
    Click here to access the online library catalog.  


    Teacher FAQ

    Can I laminate something in the library?
    Yes, bring the item to the library and let the librarian know if you need it by a certain time.

    Can I print something in the library?
    Yes, you must email your document to Ms. Osborne for printing. 

    How do I schedule my class to come to the library?
     If you need help scheduling a time, please email Ms. Osbonre: 

    Can the librarian gather resources for my class to use?
    Yes, just tell the librarian what your class needs to study.

    Can I bring a class to work in the library if my students aren’t using library books?
    Yes! Schedule your classes on the library’s calendar.

    Can I recommend titles or resources for the library to consider purchasing?
    Yes,click here to recommend a title.

    What type of equipment is available for checkout?
    The library has DVD players  which connect to the RCA ports in your classrooms. The library also has document cameras, overhead projectors, CD/cassette players, LCD projectors, and camcorders.

    How do I access the online library catalog?
    Click Library Catalog.

    Does the library have professional resources for teachers?
    Yes, you can view all the professional resources in the library catalog.

Last Modified on November 14, 2022