• Rules for Bus Conduct

    Only properly enrolled students of the Oxford School District are permitted to ride an Oxford school bus. Exceptions must be approved by the Superintendent.

    Bus passes will be issued to all students who have requested transportation from the school district. It is the expectation of the Oxford School District that students who are provided transportation will present their district-issued bus pass in order to ride Oxford School District buses.

    Bus students must abide by the set of behavior guidelines as follows:

    1. Take a seat without crowding or pushing and remain seated while the bus is in motion.
    2. Never extend arms, legs, or head out of the bus.
    3. Do not talk to the driver while the bus is in motion, except in an emergency.
    4. Never tamper with the emergency door or any other part of the bus equipment.
    5. Do not deface the bus. Any damage to the bus or seats must be reported immediately to the driver.
    6. Only the driver or other authorized person may remove First Aid equipment, which is to be used only for emergency treatment.
    7. Do not tamper with the fire extinguisher, which is to be used only by the driver in an emergency.
    8. Do not fight or scuffle in the bus or create any disturbance.
    9. Do not throw objects from the bus.
    10. Do not place belongings such as books or lunch boxes in the aisle.
    11. Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
    12. Leave the bus only at your designated stop.
    13. Leave the bus in an orderly manner.
    14. If you must cross the street or highway, wait for the driver to direct you to cross, and then cross in front of the bus.
    15. Do not loiter or play around a stopped or parked bus.
    16. Do not enter an area set aside for bus parking or loading unless the bus is at a complete stop.
Last Modified on August 12, 2022