- Oxford High School
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Frequently Asked Questions
All students in grades 9-12 should join their anticipated graduation year Schoology group for important announcements and information.
How is a student promoted? (How do I get in my right grade?)
Posted by:Promotion at OHS is based on two components:
- The first component that determines promotion is the passing of the current year's English class.
- If the student does not pass English, the student is not promoted to the next grade.
- The second component that determines promotion is the number of credits the student has accrued.
- Freshman have to pass English I and have a total of 6 credits to be promoted.
- Sophomores have to pass English II and have a total of 12 credits to be promoted.
- Juniors have to pass English III and have a total of 17 credits to be promoted.
- The first component that determines promotion is the passing of the current year's English class.
What do I need to do if I want to graduate early?
Posted by:Early graduation plans should be completed with a counselor. Students are eligible for graduation when they have completed the required 24 credits and passed the four state tests. Only a May graduation ceremony is held.
Do I need to take a foreign language to graduate from Oxford High School?
Posted by:A foreign language is not a requirement for graduation from Oxford High School. Please check the entrance requirements at the post secondary institution that you plan to attend.
How do I send my transcript to colleges?
Posted by:Submit the online transcript request form by going to the Counselor page of the OHS website.
How many college visit days do I get?
Posted by:Seniors get 5, Juniors get 3, and Sophomores get 2. To qualify for a college visit day, students must be passing all classes and have no discipline referrals. *Students must submit a College Visit Day form to Jill Tyler approximately 10 days prior to being out of school and bring proof of the visit upon return to school.
What do I need to do for NCAA if I want to play a sport in college?
Posted by:If you are considering playing sports after high school, come see an O.H.S. couneslor.
How do I apply for college?
Posted by:Get familiar with the websites for all of the schools that you are interested in! Many universities have online applications with application fees of around $40; community colleges don’t have application fees.
What is the FAFSA?
Posted by:You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.gov after October 1 of your senior year.
Where do I find scholarships?
Posted by:Look in Schoology class groups, Major Clarity, and our Scholarships webpage.
How do I apply for state financial aid like MTAG?
Posted by:MTAG can be linked to FAFSA applications. Visit riseupms.com after October 1 of your Senior year. *It will ask for GPA and ACT scores to be submitted by your counselor, but counselors submit them for all Seniors in the spring.
How can I apply for Lafayette County Tuition Assistance Program?
Posted by:Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) is available at Northwest Mississippi Community College, Itawamba Community College, and Northeast Mississippi Community College.
The TAP program is coordinated with federal aid, state aid, and scholarship funds to assure that your tuition will be paid for four, consecutive academic semesters (excluding summer). Your participation in this program is contingent upon your compliance with a few requirements and the availability of program funds.
To take advantage of the TAP, you must meet the following requirements:
- Must be a U.S. Citizen
- Must be a resident of Lafayette County (proof of parent’s/legal guardian’s residence in Lafayette County must be attached)
- Apply for Institutional scholarships by April 1
- Graduate with a high school diploma from a Lafayette County high school December or May/June
- Take the ACT by June 30
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.ed.gov by July 1
- Apply for and submit all requested documentation to the Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG) at www.msfinancialaid.org/mtag by July 1
- Enroll as a full-time student (at least 15 academic hours) the semester following your high school graduation or after completing your military obligation if you enter the military immediately following high school graduation
TAP assistance will be used ONLY after all applicable federal grants, state grants, and scholarship funds have been awarded and applied toward your tuition ($1500). If you refuse a school scholarship, it will still be included in the TAP calculation as if you had accepted the scholarship. Work study awards and student loans will be excluded from the calculation.
The TAP is available to you for four, consecutive regular semesters (summer school is not included in the program) beginning with the fall or spring semester immediately following your high school graduation. This application will cover your two freshman semesters. You must apply again for assistance during your sophomore year.
To continue to receive assistance under the TAP, you must:
- Pass a minimum of 15 hours each semester with a 2.0 grade point average. If you drop below 15 hours, you lose your eligibility. If your GPA falls below 2.0, you lose your eligibility.
- Do not sit out a semester. If you do not enroll for four, consecutive semesters (excluding summer), you lose your eligibility.
If these requirements are not met in any semester, you will be removed from the program and will no longer be eligible for TAP funds. There is no appeal process if you lose your TAP eligibility.