• About Our Pre-K Program

    O.E.C.C. Mascot The Oxford School District’s Pre-K Program is a free full-day program, where our students participate in a variety of activities designed to stimulate social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth through planned learning experiences.

    Each school day, which is from 7:40 a.m. to 2:20 p.m., our pre-K students experience both quiet and active learning opportunities — either teacher-initiated activities, while others are child-directed.

    Our pre-K program activities are designed to reach students at their own developmental level and provide the necessary building blocks for future learning experiences. Such opportunities are provided for each child’s individual success and to facilitate every child’s natural curiosity and eagerness to learn. Many of these learning experiences may take place in a whole group or small group setting in our school’s pre-K classrooms.

    Pre-K will be accepting 209 students for the 2023-2024 school year. To find out how your child can be a part of the Oxford School District’s Pre-K Program, contact the OSD School Registration Office at (662) 513-8111 or mpolk@oxfordsd.org. Also be sure to see the Frequently Asked Questions page about our district’s pre-K program.