- Bramlett Elementary School
- PowerSchool
Family Resources
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- PowerSchool
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Click here to access PowerSchool.
PowerSchool allows parents to review their students’ school information in real-time from home, work or any remote location with internet access, all at no cost to parents and families.
Parents can see their students’ information regarding:
- student schedules
- attendance data
- homework assignment scores
- lunch balance
- term grades (grades 6-12 only)
PowerSchool is a web-based tool that enhances communication between parents, teachers and students and is available to all parents of Oxford students in grades PreK-12. For example, parents can use PowerSchool to find student class assignments posted there beginning the Sunday night prior to the upcoming week or to see students’ grades posted within five working days of their student’s class assignment due date.
How to Create a PowerSchool for Parents Account
- Visit the PowerSchool website.
- Select “Create Account.” On this step, parents will need a personal access identification and password for each student who will be linked to the parent account.
Note: If you do not have an access code, you must visit your child’s school to obtain the student’s access identification and password for the PowerSchool account. Proof of identification will be required.
Click here to download more detailed instructions.
PowerSchool for Parents Mobile App
For parents who have an established PowerSchool account, a free PowerSchool mobile app is available. The PowerSchool for Parents app is available for download on Google Play for Android devices and from the App Store for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
NOTE: The Mobile District Code is PLZR.