- Oxford School District
- Employee Handbook
Oxford School District Employee Handbook
This Employee Handbook is a presentation of present policies only, which may be modified by the Oxford School District at any time without the consent of any employee. This Handbook is not a contract and does not create a contract between the Oxford School District and any employee, nor does it provide any substantive rights for any employee.
Other than certified employees with contracts of employment with the Oxford School District, all other employees of the School District are employees-at-will. Nothing in this Handbook changes the at-will status of any employee.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Oxford School District is an equal-opportunity employer. It is the policy of the Oxford School District Board of Trustees not to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin or disability in its educational programs, activities or employment practices. The following individual has been designated to handle inquiries and complaints regarding the non-discrimination policies of the school district:
Dr. Germain McConnell, Chief of Staff
Oxford School District
200 Bolt Boulevard
Oxford, MS 38655
Telephone: (662) 234-3541
Email: gmcconnell@oxfordsd.orgTitle IX9
The Oxford School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its employment practices, educational programs, or activities, which it operates, Any parent, employee, or student who has knowledge of such discrimination or who has experienced or is experiencing sexual harassment or discrimination should contact:
Chris Cutcliffe, Title IX9 Coordinator
Oxford School District
200 Bolt Boulevard
Oxford, MS 38655
Telephone: (662) 234-3541
Email: cecutcliffe@oxfordsd.orgSection 504
The Oxford School District does not discriminate on the basis of a disability in its employment practices, educational programs, or activities, which it operates. Any parent, employee, or student who has knowledge of such discrimination or who has experienced or is experiencing discrimination on the basis of a disability in his/her role should contact:
LaTonya Robinson, Chief of Student Services, 504 Coordinator
Oxford School District
200 Bolt Boulevard
Oxford, MS 38655
Telephone: (662) 234-3541
Email: lrrobinson@oxfordsd.org -
Admission to School District Events
Staff ID’s and State Passes will admit the employee only into home athletic events that are not playoff games or fundraisers. The passes are only valid for the person whose name and picture are on the pass.
Assignments and Reassignments
The superintendent has the authority to make assignments of all employees and to make reassignments when necessary. A reassignment of a licensed employee may only be to an area in which the employee has a valid license. (Board Policy: GBE)
Background Check
Pursuant to Mississippi Code Annotated §37-9-17 and the School Board, a background check of all employees is required. Employees must give permission to be fingerprinted and allow a background screening check with law enforcement, the Child Abuse Registry, previous employers, and any other persons to determine their suitability in working with children. Employment may be terminated if a disqualifying criminal record check is received. (Board Policy: GBD)
Bank Hours
Employees are eligible to apply for three (3) college hours per year at the University of Mississippi at no charge to the employee. Depending on availability, more than three (3) hours may be allowed.
Cell Phones
The District recognizes advances in technology and the impact that these new pieces of equipment can have on education; however, they also recognize that inappropriate use of personal cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic devices during instructional time can often disrupt student learning. Staff members need to be mindful of the appropriate ways to incorporate these new technologies into the educational setting and also use them with integrity and professionalism outside of the school day. Therefore, the following guidelines are being instituted to remind employees to use these devices in a professional manner.
The following guidelines define the use of cellular phones and other electronic devices as they pertain to school and District employees:
- Employees may possess cellular phones and other electronic devices while in school and at school activities.
- When employees do use cellular phones or other electronic devices, they must use them appropriately, responsibly, and professionally.
- All personal electronic devices shall be turned off, not used, and kept out of sight while employees are performing his/her employment responsibilities, e.g., teaching, supervising, attending meetings, etc. When applicable and acceptable, cellular phones may remain on, but must be placed on the silence mode.
- Employees may use personal cellular phones and other such electronic devices for school emergency situations and between class times, during lunch break, other scheduled breaks, and/or recess periods as long as it does not interfere with their employment responsibilities and instructional time of students.
- Except in an emergency situation, employees may not use cellular telephones or other communication devices while operating a District vehicle or operating any vehicle while transporting students.
- Employees are expected to use technology in an appropriate, professional manner. Employees should not make any inappropriate contact with students, parents or colleagues using any form of communication (written, verbal, or electronic). This includes participating in social networking sites, texting, emailing, tweeting, etc.
- Employees who misuse their personal cell phone or other electronic devices shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with State Law and District Policy, e.g. verbal warning, written reprimand, or electronic devices at school, and/or referred to the Superintendent for further disciplinary action.
- For extenuating personal emergency situations, the principal or immediate supervisor may make a temporary exception to this Policy if other accommodations cannot be arranged.
Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting
Any public or private school employee or any other person having reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a neglected or abused child shall make a report immediately to the principal of the school. The principal will immediately telephone the Department of Human Services and follow as soon thereafter with a written report.
(MS CODE: 43-21-353)
Complaints and Grievances
The Board believes it is most important to settle all complaints of discrimination based on sex, disability or other differences that may arise among employees, between employees and administrators, and between the public and teachers as promptly and equitably as possible. Resolution of problems should take place at the lowest possible administrative level and in a manner which will assure employees that review of complaints and grievances will be handled without fear of reprisals.
The Board, therefore, directs the superintendent to prepare a personnel grievance procedure as may be required to fit the state or federal law.
Implementation Procedure - Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to secure at the first possible administrative level, an equitable solution to any grievance.
The following definitions shall apply in this grievance procedure:
- A “grievance” is a complaint by an individual employee based upon an alleged violation of a person’s rights under state or federal law or Board Policy.
- A “grievant” is the person making the complaint.
- The term “days” shall mean working school days and shall exclude weekends and holidays. In the event that school is not in session, “days” shall apply to those days that would have been school days if school had been in session.
Procedure for Processing Grievances
Grievances shall be processed in accordance with the following procedures:
Level One:
- All grievances, as defined in Number 1 above, must be presented orally to the principal or immediate supervisor of the grievant within ten (10) days of the act or omission complained of, and the principal or immediate supervisor and the grievant will attempt to resolve the matter informally.
- If the grievant is not satisfied with the action taken or the explanation given by his principal or immediate supervisor, the grievant shall, within ten (10) days after meeting with his principal or immediate supervisor, file a written statement with his principal or immediate supervisor, setting forth in detail how the grievant claims to have been discriminated against. This written statement shall contain, in addition to the above, the time, place, and nature of the alleged act or omission and the state or federal law or Board policy allegedly violated. The statement must be signed by the grievant.
- In the event the grievant does not submit to his principal or immediate supervisor a written statement as required, his failure to do so shall be deemed as an acceptance of the informal decision rendered by his principal or immediate supervisor.
- After receipt of the written statement setting forth how the grievant was allegedly discriminated against, the principal or immediate supervisor shall hold a hearing and render a decision in writing to the grievant within ten (10) days.
- The written decision of the principal or immediate supervisor shall be deemed to be accepted by the grievant unless the grievant notifies the Office of the Superintendent, Title IX Coordinator in writing within ten (10) days of the date of the written decision of the grievant’s intention to appeal the written decision of the principal or immediate supervisor.
Level Two:
- Upon receipt by the Office of the Superintendent, Title IX Coordinator, of the written notice that the grievant intends to appeal the decision of his principal or immediate supervisor, the Office of the Superintendent, Title IX Coordinator, shall notify the grievant in writing within five (5) days and shall advise the grievant of the date and time upon which the matter will be considered by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall schedule a hearing on the matter no later than thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the grievant’s written notice of intention to appeal the written decision of his principal or immediate supervisor.
- The written statement submitted by the grievant to his principal or immediate supervisor in Level One shall form the basis of the grievance before the Superintendent. The grievant shall submit any and all additional information on his behalf which he desires to the Superintendent in writing no later than five (5) days prior to the date upon which the matter is scheduled for hearing by the Superintendent.
- In the event the grievant does not personally attend the hearing scheduled by the Superintendent, his failure to attend shall be deemed as an acceptance of the written decision rendered by his principal or immediate supervisor at Level One.
- The Superintendent shall render a written decision to the grievant within ten (10) days of the date upon which the matter was heard.
Level Three:
- If the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant at step two, or if the Superintendent does not render a decision within ten (10) days, the grievant may file the grievance with the secretary of the Board.
- If the grievance is not filed with the secretary of the Board within fifteen (15) days of the hearing at Level Two, the grievance shall be considered resolved.
- Within ten (10) days after receipt of the grievance, the Board secretary, in concert with the president and Superintendent, shall schedule a hearing before the Board on the grievances.
- The Board shall render its decision within fifteen (15) days of the hearing.
Compulsory Deductions:
- Withholding Tax-Federal
- Withholding Tax-State
- Social Security
- State Retirement (Full-time Employees)
Optional Deductions:
- Hospitalization Group Insurance Plan
- Group Dental Insurance Plan
- Cancer/Intensive Care/Life Insurance Plan
- Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan
- Salary Protection Plan
Before these deductions are withheld, a written statement from the employee is required authorizing the Payroll Office to make such deductions.
Dismissal for Cause
The Superintendent, consistent with State Law, shall have the authority to suspend or remove a licensed staff member of the Oxford School District for incompetence, neglect of duty, immoral conduct, intemperance, brutal treatment of a pupil, or other good cause. Before being so removed or suspended, the staff member shall receive written notification of charges and entitlement to a public hearing upon said charges. The Board of Trustees, upon request for a hearing by the person so suspended or removed, shall set a date, time and place for such hearing, which shall not be sooner than five (5) days nor later than thirty (30) days from the date of the request. The procedure for such hearings shall be prescribed for hearing by the Board of Trustees or Hearing Officer in §37-9-111 of the Mississippi Code of 1972 Annotated. From the decision made at said hearing, the staff member shall be allowed an appeal to the Chancery Court in the same manner as appeals are authorized in §37-9-113 of the Mississippi Code of 1972 Annotated. Any party disagreeing by the action of the Chancery Court may appeal to the Mississippi Supreme Court as provided by law. (Board Policy: GBN)
Dress Guidelines
Oxford School District employees serve as role models for the students and as representatives of Oxford Schools. Consistent with these roles, all employees, volunteers and substitutes shall dress professionally and appropriately.
Administrators and administrative support employees are expected to project a professional image and should dress appropriately for an office/business environment.
District-level employees must adhere to the Staff Dress Code.
Teachers, volunteers, and support personnel (paraprofessionals) are expected to project a professional image that sets positive dress and grooming examples for students and shall adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an effective learning environment.
School-based personnel shall follow this guidance on all days students are in attendance. Principals may determine the appropriate dress to be worn on workdays when students are not in attendance. All other personnel shall follow the policy on all work days unless directed differently by their supervisor.
Physical Education teachers, coaches and athletic volunteers should wear the appropriate athletic attire necessary to meet the requirements of their job responsibilities and a sweat or warm-up suit when not actively teaching physical education classes or coaching.
All employees are expected to dress in a professional manner. Clothing must be neat, clean, in good repair, and appropriate for on-the-job appearances at all times. Employees shall not wear on the outside of their clothing any jewelry or similar artifacts that are obscene, distracting, or may cause disruptions to the educational environment.
The Dress Code applies to all district employees, at all locations.
Physical Education teachers must follow the staff dress code for their gender on parent conference days, PTA/PTO meetings, and other occasions when not instructing class.
Appropriate dress for female staff:
- Dresses and skirts, which are no shorter than three inches above the knee. Dress and skirts which are ankle length and tight enough to hinder walking are not acceptable attire. The slit of a dress or skirt must come no higher than three inches above the knee.
- Slacks and Capri pants may be worn in an appropriate manner. Capri pants must be below the knee. Physical education teachers may wear shorts. All other female staff will not wear shorts.
- No jeans or jean clothing of any color are acceptable.
- T-shirts are not allowed. Low cut blouses, see-through clothing, off the shoulder, halter style, tank tops, or clothing, which reveals the midriff, are not allowed. Sleeveless clothing must cover undergarments.
- Shoes and sandals without a back strap are unacceptable. Flip-flops are not allowed.
- Earrings on females are the only visible piercing allowed.
- Hats are not to be worn inside.
- Tattoos that are considered offensive, racist, vulgar, show scenes of violence, drug-related, contain strong sexual imagery, gang-related, or contain obscene phrases may not be visible.
Appropriate dress for male staff:
- Men must wear shirts with collars and sleeves.
- Physical education teachers may wear an Oxford wind suit or athletic attire, collared sport/golf shirt.
- Slacks and casual dress pants are acceptable. Physical education teachers may wear shorts. All other male staff may not wear shorts.
- No jeans or jean shirts of any color are acceptable.
- T-shirts, sweatshirts or tank tops are not allowed.
- Shoes and sandals without a back strap are unacceptable. Flip-flops are not allowed.
- Facial hair must be kept neat and clean. Hair length should not impair vision.
- Hats are not to be worn inside.
- Earrings on males are the only visible piercing allowed.
- Tattoos that are considered offensive, racist, vulgar, show scenes of violence, drug-related, contain strong sexual imagery, gang related or contain obscene phrases may not be visible.
By enacting this dress code policy, the Oxford School District recognizes that there are occasions when individuals may need to wear specific clothing due to medical reasons. When such is the case, the employee must provide the proper medical documentation that gives rise to the need for deviation from this dress code policy.
Drug-Free Workplace
The Oxford School District enforces a drug and alcohol policy for all employees in order to provide a safe, drug-free environment for all students and employees. It is a violation for any employee to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, or use unlawfully on or in the workplace, alcohol or any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, or any other controlled substance.
The Oxford School District mandates that all employees report to work without any alcohol or illegal or mind-altering substance in their systems. All employees are subject to a request for screening if reasonable suspicion exists to support such a request.
Off-the-job use of drugs, alcohol or any other prohibited substance which results in impaired work performance, including, but not limited to, absenteeism, tardiness, poor work product, or harm to the school system’s image or relationship with the government is prohibited. Employees should realize that these regulations prohibit all illicit drug use on and off duty.
Equal Employment Opportunity
The Oxford School District does not discriminate in its operation on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. (Board Policy: JAA)
Evaluation of Staff
Classified Evaluations
All classified employees shall be evaluated annually. Evaluations shall be completed prior to March 30.
Certified Evaluations
All certified employees shall be evaluated annually. Evaluations shall be completed by March 15. Evaluation procedures are outlined in the evaluation handbook provided to staff at the beginning of each school year.
Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
Employees are eligible for family and medical leave if they have been employed by the district for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1,250 hours (156 days for 8 hour-day employees or 208 days for 6 hour-day employees) during the preceding 12-month period.
Eligible employees are entitled to a maximum of 12 work weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period only for the following reasons:
- The birth, adoption, or placement of a child;
- The care of a child, spouse, or parent with a serious health condition; or
- The employee’s own serious health condition because of which he or she is unable to work.
Flexible Benefit Plan
Because of our participation in Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan, certain health insurance premiums paid through payroll deduction are exempt from Federal and State Income Taxes and Social Security. The Oxford School District cafeteria plan year runs from October 1st through September 30th of each year.
Health Insurance
Our District participates in the state health insurance plan for school employees. Free health insurance is provided for all full-time employees of the District. A full-time employee is defined as one who works more than 20 hours or more per week. Other insurances are available to employees through payroll deduction.
Jury Duty
Absence of the employee when summoned to jury duty will be granted. This will not count against leave time. (Board Policy: GBRI)
Leaves and Absences
All Oxford School District employees have an important role in the education of children and in the operation of our school district. Therefore, regular and reliable attendance is an essential job function for all employees, and is a basic expectation of the District. Excessive absences are not acceptable since it has a direct negative impact on the accomplishment of the District’s mission. Excessive absence is defined as more than is provided in a given year by the District’s leave policy (not what has been accumulated).
Leave Charges
The minimum medical leave time, which may be taken, is one-half of one day in any given workday. Only medical leave taken on actual workdays shall be charged in calculating the amount of medical leave taken. (Board Policy: GBRI)
Leave Donated
An Oxford School District employee may donate a portion of his or her unused accumulated personal leave or sick leave to another Oxford School District employee who is suffering from a catastrophic injury or illness or who has a member of his or her immediate family suffering from a catastrophic injury or illness.
The donor employee will designate the employee who is to receive the leave and the amount of unused accumulated personal leave and sick leave that is to be donated and must notify Human Resources of their designation.
The maximum amount of unused accumulated personal leave that an employee may donate to another employee may not exceed a number of days that would leave the donor employee with fewer than seven (7) days of personal leave. The maximum amount of unused accumulated sick leave that an employee may donate to any other employee may not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the unused accumulated sick leave of the donor employee.
Before an employee may receive donated leave, the employee must exhaust all leave and provide Human Resources with a physician’s statement that states that the illness/injury meets the catastrophic criteria established by state law. The employee must also provide to Human Resources the beginning date of the catastrophic injury or illness, a prognosis for recovery and the anticipated date that the recipient employee will be able to return to work. The Director of Personnel will determine eligibility for donated leave.
If a recommendation is made by the school district not to offer an employee a renewal contract for a successive year, written notice of the proposed non-reemployment shall be given no later than the following:
- If the employee is a Superintendent, the school district shall give notice of non-reemployment before February 1.
- If the employee is a principal, the school district shall give notice of non-reemployment on or before March 1.
- If the employee is a teacher or other personnel holding a position requiring certification by the State Department of Education, the district shall give notice of non-reemployment on or before April 15, or within ten (10) days after the date that the Governor approves the appropriation bill(s) comprising the state’s education budget for funding K-12, whichever date is later.
And further, if a licensed employee has received notice under §37-9-105, Mississippi Code as amended, upon written request he or she shall be entitled to:
- Written notice of the reasons for non-reemployment together with a summary of the factual basis and which notice shall be given at least five (5) days prior to any hearing.
- An opportunity for hearing at which to present information relevant to the reasons given for the non-reemployment decision, including any reasons alleged by the employee to be the reason for non-reemployment.
- Receive a fair and impartial hearing before the Board of Trustees or Hearing Officer.
- Be represented by legal counsel at his/her own expense.
If the employee does not request a hearing, the decision of the Superintendent with regard to the reemployment of the employee shall be final.
No overtime will be worked without prior permission by the employee’s immediate supervisor, except in case of emergency. Each supervisor will receive authorization from the Superintendent prior to permitting any overtime work. Administrative and professional exempt employees are not subject to compensation for overtime work.
The granting of compensatory time off in lieu of paying overtime pay is permitted. The district reserves the right to grant compensatory time in lieu of paying employees monetary compensation. The employee may accumulate a maximum of 240 compensatory time hours. The employee must take the compensatory time when it is agreeable with the supervisor and within the next pay period, if possible.
Any overtime pay will be based on the employee’s regular rate. Employees will be paid not less than 1.5 times his or her regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a work week.
Personal and Medical Leave
In compliance with Section 37-7-307(6) of the Mississippi Code, the Oxford School District Board of Trustees has adopted the following regulations to aid in the implementation of its leave policy:
- Requiring the absent employee to furnish the certificate of a physician or dentist or other medical practitioner as to the illness of the employee within four (4) working days, where the absence is for four (4) or more consecutive work days, or two (2) consecutive work days immediately preceding or following a non-work day.
- Providing penalties, by way of full deduction from salary, or entry on the work record of the employee, or other appropriate penalties, for any materially false statements by the employee as to the cause of absence or not providing documentation in a reasonable time normally four (4) business days.
Accumulated sick leave shall be unlimited. (Reference: Mississippi Code §37-7-307(2)(b).
Personal and Family Illness
A certified employee of the Oxford School District may, without reduction in pay, be absent ten (10) days per school year because of:
- personal illness
- serious illness of a member of the immediate family
- death of a member of the immediate family
Immediate family includes father, mother, husband or wife, sister or brother, child, grandparent and grandchildren, or anyone of like relationship by marriage or persons who have stood in loco parentis.
Certified Employees:
Of the ten (10) days sick leave authorized each year, three (3) days per year may be used for personal reasons, provided prior arrangements have been made with the supervisor and provided that these days do not disrupt school. Such personal leave shall not be taken on the first day of the school term, the last day of the school term, on a day previous to a holiday, or a day after a holiday unless an immediate family member is being deployed for military service on those days. SB 2043 creates an exception for certified employees using personal leave the day before or after a holiday for certain educators having ten (10) or more years experience in the district or a minimum of thirty (30) days of unused accumulated leave that has been earned while employed in the district. This personal leave request can be denied by the principal if too many certified employees request personal leave on a given day. Teachers may accumulate personal leave from year to year up to five (5) days.
After all cumulative leave has been used with no deductions in pay, substitute’s pay shall be deducted from the employee’s salary for the first ten (10) days in excess of cumulative leave credited to the employee. For any additional days, full salary shall be deducted. In the event that the certified employee is able to return to his/her position, shall be reinstated at full salary.
Classified Employees
Classified employees who work 238 days will follow certified employee leave policy. Classified employees who work between 200 days and 235 days will receive seven (7) days sick leave, with no limits on accumulation. Of the seven (7) days sick leave authorized each year, two (2) may be used for personal reasons, provided prior arrangements have been made with the supervisor and provided that these days do not disrupt school. This policy will be in effect from the date of initial employment through the end of the fourth year. Beginning with the fifth year of employment, the employee will follow the certified employee leave policy.
Teacher assistants will receive nine (9) sick days per year, with no limit on accumulation. Of the nine (9) days sick leave authorized each year, two (2) may be used for personal reasons, provided prior arrangements have been made with the supervisor and provided that these days do not disrupt school.
Classified employees, excluding teacher assistants, who work less than 200 days will receive five (5) days sick leave, with no limits on accumulation. Of the five (5) days sick leave authorized each year, two (2) may be used for personal reasons, provided prior arrangements have been made with the supervisor and provided that these days do not disrupt school. This policy will apply from the date of initial employment through the end of the fourth year. Beginning with the fifth year of employment and continuing through the end of the ninth year, the employee will receive seven (7) days sick leave, with no limits on accumulation. Of the seven (7) days sick leave authorized each year, two (2) may be used for personal reasons, provided prior arrangements have been made with the supervisor and provided that these days do not disrupt school. Beginning with the tenth year of employment, the employee will follow the certified employee leave policy.
After all cumulative leave has been used; full salary will be deducted.
Leave Policy for Part-time Certified Personnel
Part-time certified staff members who have been issued a contract for at least a semester shall be granted sick leave, prorated on the amount of time in the contract.
Request for Extended Leave
Upon written request and with prior approval of the School Administrator and the School Board, extended sick leave may be granted. Salary and sick leave time will stop on the day that the request for extended leave goes into effect. Refer to Board Policy GBRIA (Family and Medical Leave).
Professional Growth and Development
The Oxford School District encourages the participation of all personnel in meetings that lead to professional growth and development. Upon prior written request by the individual, expenses of the applicant may be defrayed by the school system at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Professional Leave for Consultant Purposes
The staff of the Oxford School District shall devote their primary time, attention and energy to the direction and business of the school system; and shall not, during the term of employment, be engaged in any business which is in conflict with the interests of the district. The certified/classified staff may serve as consultants to other school districts, professional organizations and associations provided it does not conflict with their primary area of responsibility.
Consultant service shall be defined as a service provided outside of the district regardless of the amount of honorarium or remuneration received. A full-time (238 days of employment or more) staff member shall be permitted six days of consulting service per contract year, noncumulative. The year will be from July 1 through June 30. Permission to serve as a consultant may be granted by the superintendent upon written recommendation by the immediate supervisor, if it does not interfere with the primary duties of the individual making the request.
Records of requests to serve as a consultant shall be maintained in the superintendent's office.
Political Activities of Employees
Employment by the Oxford School District in no way infringes on an individual’s right of citizenship, which may involve registering, discussing political issues, voting, campaigning for candidates or issues, running for or serving in public office, and participating on a committee or board which seeks to serve the welfare of the community.
Political activities shall not be engaged in while an employee is officially carrying out assigned duties. This policy shall not be construed as prohibiting the impartial study and discussion of political or other controversial issues in the classroom. A school employee who engages in political activities does so as an individual and not as a representative of the school system.
These political activities should not:
- Take place during the period of time in which employees are performing services for the school system.
- Involve the use of school monies, materials or facilities.
- Make use of an official position to encourage or to coerce students or other employees of the system to support in any way a political party, candidate or issue.
It is the policy of this school district to promote personnel within the system when qualifications are equal to or better than those of other applicants. In all cases, the individual selected for the position will be the most qualified. (Board Policy: GBJ)
Any qualified person is eligible for any position in the Oxford School District without regard to race, creed, sex, or disability.
Every effort shall be made to secure the best qualified person for every vacancy, using the state-mandated standards as minimum criteria. All employees are expected to teach and work with other employees, to teach pupils, and to supervise or be supervised without regard for race, creed, sex, or physical handicap.
Release from Contract
Any licensed employee who is under contract to teach or perform other duties and who desires to be released from such contract should apply in writing for release. The reasons for such release shall be clearly stated on the application. If the Board of Trustees acts favorably upon such application for release, such licensed employee will be released from his/her contract, and said contract will be null and void on the date specified in the School Board’s order. (Board Policy: GBA)
Responsible Use of Technology
Oxford School District (OSD) recognizes that access to technology in school gives staff greater opportunities to learn, engage, communicate, and develop skills that will prepare students for work, life, and citizenship.
OSD is committed to providing technology resources for all staff in compliance with the individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.). To that end, we provide the privilege of access to technologies for staff use.
This Responsible Use Policy outlines the guidelines and behaviors that all users are expected to follow when using school technologies or when using personally-owned devices on the school campus, including:
- The Oxford School District network is intended for educational and work purposes;
- All activity over the network or using district technologies may be monitored, documented and retained;
- Access to online content via the network may be restricted in accordance with our policies and federal regulations, such as the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA);
- Misuse of district resources may result in disciplinary action;
- Users of the district network or other technologies are expected to alert the Information Technology (IT) staff immediately of any concerns for safety or security.
Technologies Covered
OSD provides internet access, desktop computers, mobile computers, personal devices, videoconferencing capabilities, online collaboration capabilities, message boards, email, and more.
This Responsible Use Policy applies to both school-owned technology equipment utilizing the OSD network, the OSD internet connection, and/or private networks/internet connections accessed from school-owned devices at any time. This Responsible Use Policy also applies to privately-owned devices accessing the OSD network, the OSD internet connection, and/or private networks/internet connections while on school district property. As relevant new technologies emerge, OSD will seek to provide access to them. The policies outlined in this document cover all available technologies now and in the future, not just those specifically listed or currently available.
Usage policies
All technologies provided by the district are intended for educational or work purposes. All users are expected to use good judgment and to follow the specifics as well as the spirit of this document. Users should not try to get around technological protection measures; use good common sense; and ask if they do not know.
Web Access
OSD provides access to the internet, including web sites, resources, content, and online tools. Access to the internet will be restricted as required to comply with CIPA regulations and school district policies. Web browsing may be monitored and web activity records may be retained indefinitely.
Users are expected to respect the web filter as a safety precaution and shall not attempt to circumvent the web filter when browsing the internet. The determination of whether material is appropriate or inappropriate is based solely upon the content of the material and the intended use of the material; not on whether a website has been blocked or not. If a user believes a site is unnecessarily blocked, the user should submit a request for website review to their school administrator or department director.
OSD provides employees email accounts for the purpose of work-related communication. Availability and use may be restricted based on school district policies. Email usage may be monitored and archived.
Social/Web 2.0/Collaborative Content
Recognizing the benefits collaboration brings to the work place, OSD may provide employees with access to web sites or tools that allow communication, collaboration, sharing, and messaging among users.
Employees are expected to communicate with the same appropriate, safe, mindful, courteous conduct online as offline. Posts, chats, sharing, and messaging may be monitored. Users should be careful not to share personally identifying information online.
Mobile Devices
OSD may provide employees with mobile computers or other devices. Employees should abide by the same Responsible Use policies when using school district devices off the school district network as on the school district network.
Employees are expected to treat school district devices with extreme care and caution. Users should immediately report any loss, damage, or malfunction to IT staff. Employees may be financially accountable for any damage resulting from negligence or misuse.
Use of school-issued mobile devices off the school network may be monitored.
Personally Owned Devices
This Responsible Use Policy applies to privately owned devices accessing the OSD network, the OSD internet connection, and private networks/internet connections while on school property.
Employees are expected to take reasonable safeguards against the transmission of security threats over the school district network. This includes not opening or distributing infected files or programs and not opening files or programs of unknown or untrusted origin. Users should never share personal information.
If employees believe a computer or mobile device they are using might be infected with a virus, they should alert the IT staff. Users should not attempt to remove the virus themselves or download any programs to help remove the virus.
User accounts are issued to OSD staff members and students based on their assigned duties and responsibilities. Each individual is responsible for all activity generated by their user accounts. All users are expected, at all times, to comply with OSD policies and procedures as well as local, state and federal laws. Under no circumstances should an individual give their username/password to anyone or allow anyone else to use their account. OSD employees who use computing and network resources in an inappropriate manner are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Employees should not download or attempt to download or run programs over the school district network or onto district resources without expressed permission from IT staff.
Personal information
Users should never share personal information, including phone number, address, social security number, birthday, or financial information, over the internet. Users should recognize that communication over the internet brings anonymity and associated risks, and should carefully safeguard the personal information of themselves and others.
Violations of this Responsible Use Policy
Violations of this policy may have disciplinary consequences, including:
- Employment disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment; and/or
- Legal action and/or prosecution.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Oxford School District endeavors to provide an environment conducive to growth in mind, spirit, and community awareness, which precludes the exploitation of students or employees. It is the policy of the school district that all employees and students have the right to work and learn in an environment free from sexual harassment and unwelcome and unwanted sexual attention. Sexual harassment is specifically prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1974, as amended, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
Sexual harassment is defined as including, but not limited to, unsolicited and unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and repeated derogatory sexual remarks. Sexual harassment can consist of such behavior as making unsolicited written, verbal and/or visual communication with sexual overtones, touching a student or employee in a sexually offensive manner, continuing to express sexual interest after being informed the interest is unwelcome, making reprisals, threats of reprisal, or implied threats of reprisal following a negative response to sexual advances.
Violations of the Sexual Harassment Policy by administrators, teachers, staff and students will be regarded as a violation of a person’s civil rights. Violators are subject to disciplinary action. Reprisals against a complainant may also constitute unlawful behavior.
Students wishing to make a formal complaint about sexual harassment concerning a student or staff member may contact the guidance counselor, the principal, a teacher, the Title IX Coordinator, or the Superintendent’s Office. Employees may file complaints using the Oxford School District Grievance policy or with their immediate supervisor, the Title IX Coordinator, or the superintendent. The right to confidentiality, for both the accuser and accused, will be respected consistent with the school district’s legal obligations and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred.
Inquiries concerning the Oxford School District Sexual Harassment Policy should be directed to the Office of Superintendent of Schools, Title IX Coordinator (234-3541).
Staff Development
Each year, goals for staff development are based on needs identified by district personnel and on requirements directed by the Commission on School Accreditation. Employees provide input for needs through the evaluation of sessions during the school year and by completion of needs assessments at the end of each school year. Prioritized needs may direct the management of the delivery system as well as the content of sessions. Staff involvement is critical to an effective staff development program. (Board Policy: GAD)
Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Plan
Students have a right to a public education, but with this right comes a personal responsibility. Education is a process which requires a safe and orderly environment.
Every teacher is authorized to hold every student to a strict accountability for an orderly learning environment. Every student is strictly accountable for any disorderly conduct whether in school, on the playground, at a school-related event or activity, or en route to or from school.
For the proper learning environment to be maintained, it is imperative that each school makes certain that students understand the conduct that is appropriate. To assist students, parents, and staff in maintaining such an environment, a Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Plan has been developed. Two copies of the Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Plan are sent to parents. One copy is signed by the parent and returned to the school.
In addition to these rules, each local school or building principal may develop additional rules and regulations that govern student behavior and discipline at his/her building; however, these campus rules and procedures must be consistent with policies and procedures established by the Board and the Superintendent. (Board Policy: JD)
Corporal Punishment
As a matter of Board policy, the infliction of corporal punishment on a student for disciplinary reasons is prohibited. Corporal punishment is defined as hitting, paddling, striking or any other physical act taken with the subjective intent of inflicting bodily pain for disciplinary purposes.
However, nothing in this policy shall prevent a district employee from using such measures as are reasonably necessary under exigent circumstances to maintain order, control, or security on school premises or during school-related activities.
Assignment of physical exercises and/or physical exertion in connection with athletic programs shall not be considered corporal punishment. Nor shall punishment in the form of service projects involving a reasonable degree of physical exertion be considered corporal punishment. (Board Policy: JDB)
Student Health Services
- The Oxford School District does not assume any obligation to provide medical treatment, advice or medication to any student.
- No teacher, principal, nurse, secretary or other personnel of the Oxford School District, shall administer any medication to any student without first obtaining the consent of the parent or guardian of said student.
When the services of a substitute teacher are required, for whatever reason, the teacher shall notify the principal at the earliest possible moment. The teacher requiring a substitute shall log into Absence Management and create a new absence and choose “Yes” for substitute required. Upon approval of the principal or his/her designee the teacher may assign a substitute by name or the Aesop system will contact a substitute to fill the vacancy. The teacher shall have available for the substitute a class roll, lesson plan and other required items so the substitute can more effectively take charge of the class. When possible, the teacher should notify the principal the day before the expected return to class. (Board Policy: GBRJ)
Teacher Certification
Each new teacher is required to have the following on file in the Central Administrative Office prior to the issuance of the first pay warrant:
- Valid Mississippi Educator License
- Verification of Previous Teacher Experience
- Official College Transcript
- Completion of I-9 Form
- Signed Contract or Letter of Agreement
Certificate Renewal/Upgrades
Certification is the teacher’s responsibility. All non-administrative and non-practicing administrative licenses will be renewed according to the guidelines as outlined below.
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent:
- Ten (10) continuing education units (CEUs) in content or job/skill related area, or
- Three (3) semester hours in content or job/skill* related area and Five (5) continuing education units (CEUs) in content or job/skill* related area, or
- Six (6) semester hours in content or job/skill* related area, or
- Completion of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards process.
Master’s degree and above:
- Three semester hour college course in content or job/skill* related area, or
- Five continuing education units (CEUs) or equivalent in content or job/skill* related area, or
- Completion of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards process.
A complete copy of the requirements regarding Mississippi Educator Licensure can be obtained from the Mississippi Department of Education web site at mdek12.ms.us/OEL.
*Content area refers to the area of certification (e.g., mathematics, science, special education, etc.). Job/skill related areas include pedagogy and skills essential for effective teaching and leadership (e.g., computer technology, cooperative learning, learning styles, methodology, etc.).
An employment contract will be rewritten for an employee who obtains an advanced degree, if the certificate is issued prior to the initial personnel report being submitted to the Mississippi Department of Education in October.
Teacher Experience
The State Board of Education policy on teaching experience requires that teachers be under contract for no less than 135 days to receive credit for a full year’s employment for that scholastic year. In no event shall a teacher be absent from duties more than a total of 60 days due to absence because of illness or other good cause, including the time not under contract, as the case may be, and still receive a year of teaching experience. (MDE Board Policy: 7403)
Termination of Service
Upon termination of employment, unused medical or personal leave days for which the employee is entitled to full pay will be counted as creditable service for purposes of the retirement system to the extent provided in §24-11-103 of the Mississippi Code and the policies of the Public Employees’ Retirement System. (Board Policy: GBRI)
Oxford School District is required to keep certain identifying information records for each non-exempt worker in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The law requires the school district to maintain accurate data about the hours worked and the wages earned for each employee. The Oxford School District has chosen the Time and Attendance software from Frontline Technologies as its timekeeping method to better manage staff and ensure accurate pay for hours worked. All school district employees are required to sign in/out of Time and Attendance daily.
Employees must follow established work schedules. The usual work schedule is 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday. An employee will be informed of work schedules by the immediate supervisor. Work schedules for hourly paid staff normally include an unpaid lunch break of at least 30 minutes. Fulltime hourly paid employees, with the exception of elementary school teacher’s assistants, and In-School Suspension (ISS) Monitors are required to take an unpaid lunch break of at least 30 minutes.
Oxford School District policy directs that hourly paid full-time employees will normally work and be paid for 40 hours during the workweek, which begins Sunday and continues through the following Saturday. Overtime compensation in the form of wages or compensatory time will apply for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in one workweek period. Employees should receive compensatory time off within one week of the overtime worked.
Supervisors are required to review and approve employee timesheets from the previous work week no later than the Tuesday following the work week. Employees will not be scheduled for overtime work without the authorization of the superintendent. The use of overtime should be an exception to the regular work schedule in any department. Every attempt will be made to avoid the repetitive and chronic use of overtime. Nonexempt employees who engage in unauthorized overtime work may be subject to disciplinary action.
Supervisors may be required to edit timesheets when employees fail to sign in/out of Time and Attendance in accordance with their work schedule. Accordingly, the supervisor will submit comments in Time and Attendance stating why the timesheet was edited.
Voluntary Transfer
Openings that occur prior to June 1: If an employee wishes to transfer within the district and a principal within the district wishes to transfer this employee, the transfer will be allowed upon approval of the Superintendent.
Openings that occur after June 1: An employee wishing to transfer schools would require the approval of both building principals affected by the change and the Superintendent.
Involuntary Transfer
The Superintendent will have the authority to make assignments to the various schools in the district for all non-instructional, non-licensed, and licensed employees, as provided in Sections 37-9-15 and 37-9-17, and to make reassignments of such employees from time to time; however, a reassignment of a licensed employee may only be to an area in which the employee has a valid license issued by the State Department of Education. Upon request from any employee transferred, such assignment will be subject to review by the Board of Trustees. § 37-9-14 (s)
Procedure for Transfer
Request for transfers and/or promotion will be made in writing to the Superintendent, who will disseminate information to the building principals.
Tobacco-Free Campus
It is the policy of the Oxford School District to provide an employment and learning environment that is safe and provides appropriate motivation to ensure a creative and productive work force and student body. To this end, the Oxford School District endorses the philosophy that the schools should be free from the detrimental effects of the use of all tobacco products at any time anywhere on school premises. Employees are prohibited from using any tobacco product on school premises at any time or while driving or riding in any school-owned vehicle. Compliance with the standards of conduct is mandatory for all employees. (Board Policy: GBRM)
Vacation Benefits
Employees become eligible for vacation benefits upon commencement of employment in a 235-or-more-day position. Beginning with the first full year up to and including the fifth year, the employee earns ten vacation days each year. When an employee begins the sixth consecutive year of a 235-day-or-more position, the employee will earn fifteen vacation days each year. Requests for use of vacation days must be made by logging into Aesop to create an absence and approved by the supervisor, at least 24 hours prior to the beginning of the desired absence. Vacation leave may not exceed fifteen days in one fiscal year unless approved by the Superintendent or his designee. Unused leave will be counted as creditable service for the purpose of the retirement system. (Board Policy: GADQ)
Violation of Policies
Any person employed by the Board of Trustees who shall be guilty of violation of any policies of the board may be issued a written reprimand by the Superintendent and/or the employee’s immediate supervisor and shall suffer additional penalty approved by the board. Such violation of policy may result in suspension or dismissal as outlined in §37-9-59.
Violent Acts
District employees shall comply with all requirements imposed by law with regard to reporting unlawful activities or violent acts which have or may have occurred on school property or during school-related activities.
For purposes of this policy, "school property" means any school building, bus, campus, grounds, recreational area, athletic field, or other property owned, used or operated by the District.
- Any school employee shall notify his/her principal immediately upon obtaining knowledge that one of the following unlawful activities or a violent act has or may have occurred on school property or during a school-related activity:
- Aggravated assault, including but not limited to:
- Assault resulting in serious physical injury or
- Assault involving use of weapon;
- Assault on a school employee, simple or aggravated;
- Indecent liberties with a minor;
- Possession of a firearm or other weapon;
- Possession, use or sale of any controlled substance;
- Rape;
- Sexual battery;
- Other sexual offense;
- Murder or other homicide;
- Kidnapping, or
- Other violent act.
- Aggravated assault, including but not limited to:
- A principal receiving an employee's report or having personal knowledge of such acts shall immediately notify the appropriate law enforcement agency.
- A principal shall notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency when he has a reasonable belief that one of the above-stated acts has occurred.
- The superintendent shall notify the parents/legal guardians, the youth court and appropriate local law enforcement agency when a student is expelled because of unlawful or violent activity.
- The superintendent shall notify the parents/legal guardians, youth court and appropriate local law enforcement agency when a crime has been committed by a student on school property or during a school-related event.
- The superintendent or principal shall notify the district attorney of an accusation of fondling or sexual involvement with a minor student (under 18) by a school employee (18 or older) upon determination that there is a reasonable basis to believe that the accusation is true.
- Definitions
- A "violent act" means any action which results in death or physical harm to another or an attempt to cause death or physical harm to another.
- The "appropriate law enforcement agency" is the agency with jurisdiction in the place where the unlawful activity or violent act occurs, i.e. the police department of the city or sheriff's department of the county where the act occurs.
- The "appropriate local law enforcement agency" is the Oxford Police Department.
- The unlawful or violent acts which must be reported shall be defined by applicable Mississippi law.
- Any school employee shall notify his/her principal immediately upon obtaining knowledge that one of the following unlawful activities or a violent act has or may have occurred on school property or during a school-related activity:
Worker’s Compensation
It is the policy of the Oxford School District to provide Workers’ Compensation benefits to its employees under the provisions of the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Law. Any employee who receives an injury while on the job, no matter how slight, must report the accident to their immediate supervisor immediately (within 24 hours). When reporting the accident, the employee should be prepared to give complete information regarding the accident including the names and addresses of any witnesses. Failure to report accidents in a timely manner could result in disciplinary action or problems with an employee receiving workers’ compensation benefits.
As soon as the report of the accident is received, the supervisor will direct the injured employee to the school nurse who will assist the injured employee in completing the Employer’s First Notice of Loss and other workers’ compensation claim forms. The school nurse will provide the 24/7 nurse triage number to the employee. When complete the nurse will submit the completed workers’ compensation claim forms to Human Resources within 24 hours from the date of the accident. The injured employee is responsible for notifying Human Resources of his or her status after each visit to the doctor. Within five days from the date of the accident, the school/directors safety committee will convene to complete the Investigative Report and will forward the completed report to Human Resources.
An employee who is injured on the job and treated by a physician will not be allowed to return to work without written authorization of the physician. This authorization should be delivered to the employee’s immediate supervisor who will note thereon the date the employee returned to work and then forward it to Human Resources. In the event the employee returns to work with the permission of a physician and then develops problems that require the employee to leave work, the employee’s immediate supervisor shall notify the Workers’ Compensation coordinator in the business office as soon thereafter as possible.
An employee may elect to use his/her accumulated sick leave benefit in addition to workers’ compensation. In the event that the employee does not elect to use accumulated sick leave benefits to supplement workers’ compensation, compensation for absences resulting from an on-the-job injury will be limited to benefits from workers’ compensation only and the employee will retain all accumulated sick leave.
Any person who willfully makes any false or misleading statement or representation for the purpose of obtaining or wrongfully withholding any benefit or payment under the state
law is guilty of a felony and on conviction thereof may be punished by a fine not to exceed five-thousand dollars ($5,000) or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by imprisonment not to exceed three (3) years, or by both fine and imprisonment.
If no payment of compensation is made and no application for benefits filed with the commission within two years from the date of the injury or death, the right to compensation therefore shall be barred.
Sources: MS Code Sec. 71-3-35, Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission