- Oxford Middle School
- Choir Handbook
Oxford Middle School
Choral Department HandbookDr. Hannah Ardrey, Director
Note: All of these guidelines are set forth so that parents/guardians, students, and the director are aware of policies, procedures, and consequences that will guide the school year.
Daily Class Procedures
- Enter the choir room with a positive attitude.
- Place backpacks and personal belongings in the front of the room under the whiteboard.
- Dispose of any gum/snacks/beverages. Only bottled water is allowed on the risers!
- Students will then retrieve their choir folders from the storage cabinet. Pencils should be in choir binders at all times.*
- Students should then find/stand in his/her assigned spot on the choral risers, quietly preparing for rehearsal to begin promptly as the bell rings.
- Stay in assigned spaces on the risers throughout rehearsal unless otherwise directed by Dr. Ardrey.
* If funds allow, the OMS Choir program will purchase pencil pouches for all students to keep in their choir binders. These will hold at least two pencils and one sticky notepad (for +/Delta implementation).
Basic Class Guidelines
MOTIVATION - Students will be motivated to respect Dr. Ardrey, peers, and all property in the choir room regardless of if the property is student or school-owned. Students will motivate themselves and others by offering their best effort in rehearsal each day.
UNITY - Choir is a team sport; we all have to work together to achieve greatness! Remember, you cannot spell music without putting "us" before "I".
SUPPORT - Without mutual respect, greatness is not possible. The success of the OMS Choir is defined by each member supporting one another - this is achieved through leadership, a heart for service, and offering encouragement throughout every stage of the learning process.
INTEGRITY - Do the right thing, even when no one is looking. An OMS Choir member will treat others how he/she wants to be treated in and out of rehearsal. Students will not talk over each other or Dr. Ardrey. Each person entering the choir room has the right to hold a space to share opinions and ask questions when appropriate, adding meaning to the choral rehearsal.
CREATIVITY - All students will creatively express themselves through music, singing choral repertoire in a variety of languages and dialects, embracing multiple perspectives and shared experiences of each member of the choir. Through this, students will spread joy, share in similar opportunities and triumphs, learning that failures and mistakes can be turned into happy accidents within the confines of a safe, creative space.
Additional Guidelines for Success:
- Follow all guidelines as specified by Oxford Middle School administration and all rules set up by the Oxford School District.
- Do not touch the piano unless given verbal permission by Dr. Ardrey.
- The difference between a good musician and a great musician is a pencil.
- Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.
- Blessed are the flexible for they bend and never break.
- If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late.
- Student/Teacher Conference After Class
- Contact and Inform Parent or Guardian via SchoolStatus text, call, or email
- Parent/Teacher Conference
- Office Referral
- Possible Removal From Choir
Lending of Music
- Music will be lent to each student for use in the classroom and at home.
- Students must keep music in their assigned black 3-ring choir binder provided by the OMS Choir.
- Music will be numbered and passed out during class. If a student is absent when music is passed out they can find music in the missing work folder in class.
- All students will be given an assigned choir folder cubby in a secure storage cabinet. Students are responsible for keeping their cubby, binder, and space on the risers tidy and organized.
- All music will be turned in during class the day after each concert.
- Unfortunately, music costs a lot of money so music that is lost or worn beyond acceptable “responsible” use will be charged to the student’s account. Please don’t make the choir program charge you… keep up with and respect your music as you would a library book!
- IT IS OKAY TO WRITE IN YOUR MUSIC IN PENCIL ONLY, NOT PEN! Highlight tape will be available for students to mark their vocal parts in addition to extra pencils.
Concert Attire/Uniforms
- Black dress purchased by the OMS Choir program from Southeastern Performance Apparel
- Click here to see the dress: Harmonique
- Black, closed-toed shoes/flats (no heels taller than 3 inches; no sneakers unless all-black)
- Optional extras:
- Small stud earrings, singular necklace, singular watch/bracelet+
- Tux ensemble purchased by the OMS Choir program from Southeastern Performance Apparel
- Black socks
- Black dress shoes (no tennis shoes)+
Additional Information:
- Any student outside of “concert attire” dress code will not be able to perform in concerts or festival performances. Students will receive a “0” for that activity.
- All students will be assigned a uniform - dress or tux ensemble - at the beginning of the year. Dr. Ardrey will log each uniform into a Google Spreadsheet check-out list to keep up with "who has what".
- The student is personally responsible for replacing any lost or missing items.
- Middle schoolers have a lot of growth spurts! If a students grows out of his/her concert attire, please notify Dr. Ardrey as soon as possible.
- The student should return the uniform that doesn't fit.
- The student will be given a new uniform from the uniform storage closet.
- If a new uniform is not available in the correct size, one will be ordered as soon as possible and given to the student as a replacement for the rest of the year.
*The boys' attire is subject to change pending funding.
+Hair must be kept neat and away from the singer’s eyes!
- Black dress purchased by the OMS Choir program from Southeastern Performance Apparel
Grading Scale
Choir is a participation course. If you attend rehearsals and participate, you will learn something. Having said that, you can only participate if you attend class.
Concert and Festival Attendance
There will be many performances, including concerts and festivals. You will receive a calendar with the dates of these events and will have 10 DAYS from the receipt of the calendar to have a parent or guardian notify the director of any conflicts. This is the only way that a student will be eligible to have another assignment in place of a performance.
Quizzes - Music Theory & Sight Reading
A basic understanding of the fundamentals of music lends itself to every successful choir.
- Music theory is a vital part of music literacy and competency and should be taken seriously.
- Music theory quizzes will be located in Schoology and can be completed in class or at home.
- MTQ's are due every Friday at 4:00 pm in schoology as a PDF, link, or screenshot of the student's progress report from musictheory.net.
- Sight reading is an essential skill that all choristers will learn and use to become better musicians. Sight reading is also a required category of adjudication at the MHSAA State Performance Evaluation where all students will compete in the spring.
- SRQ's will take place during class in the form of oral proficiency checks.
- Students will sing rhythmic or melodic phrases in four or eight measures speaking on ta-ka-di-mi syllables and singing using solfege (with optional Curwin handsigns).
- SRQ's will first be given in a one-on-one setting between the student and Dr. Ardrey in her office.
- SRQ's may also be given in front of the class or in small groups.
- SRQ's will take place during class in the form of oral proficiency checks.
All grades are tied to a music standard. Each grade is weighted based on the number of assignments completed for each standard. Each standard category can be found in PowerSchool beside each numerical grade. Parents and guardians, please check your child's grades regularly.
- Music theory is a vital part of music literacy and competency and should be taken seriously.
All concerts will be held at Oxford High School at the Ava H. Bonds Auditorium in the OHS Performing Arts Building. Students should be in their spots on the stage by 6:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM. All concerts will begin at 7:00 PM.
- Fall Concert - Tuesday, October 1, 2024
- Holiday Concert - Monday, December 16, 2024
- Contest Concert - Thursday, March 6, 2025
- Spring Concert - Tuesday, May 13, 2025
Additional Performances:
- National Anthem performances
- Community Events
- Competitions
- State Performance Assessment
Students will be notified of any changes, and a note will be sent home to parents if there are any changes.
**Important Calendar Conflict Procedure:
Each student has up to 10 DAYS before each performance to submit a parent/guardian composed and signed letter stating the nature of the conflict. This is the only way that the student will be considered eligible for an alternate assignment.