• Public Notices

  • Asbestos Management Plan

    The Oxford School District wishes to inform its staff, students, parents, and the general public that an approved asbestos management plan is on file with the Mississippi Department of Education. Asbestos management plans are available for public review at each school location.

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  • Meningococcal Disease and Vaccinations

    For information about meningococcal disease and effectiveness of vaccinations, visit the State Board of Health website.

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  • Notice of Non-Discrimination

    The Oxford School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability in the provision of educational programs and services or employment opportunities and benefits. The following individual has been designated to handle inquiries and complaints regarding the non-discrimination policies of the school district.

    Dr. Germain McConnell
    Chief of Staff
    Oxford School District
    200 Bolt Boulevard
    Oxford, Mississippi 38655
    (662) 234-3541

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  • Requests for Proposals

    Visit www.oxfordsd.org/RFPs to view items posted on which bid proposals are currently being accepted.

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  • Section 504

    The Oxford School District does not discriminate on the basis of a disability in its employment practices, educational programs, or activities which it operates. Any parent, employee, or student who has knowledge of such discrimination or who has experienced or is experiencing discrimination on the basis of a disability in his/her role should contact:

    Dr. LaTonya Robinson
    Section 504 Coordinator
    Oxford School District
    200 Bolt Boulevard
    Oxford, Mississippi 38655
    (662) 234-3541

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  • Student Assessment Transparency

    As a parent of a student in the Oxford School District, you have the right to request information regarding any state or LEA policy on student participation in required assessments, including parental rights to opt-out when applicable.  The Oxford School District follows the procedures below and the Miss. Code Ann.37-16-1; 37-16-3 (2); and 37-16-5.

    Mississippi law mandates that “basic skills test shall be completed by each student” and “in the event of excused or unexcused absences, make-up tests be given” [Mississippi Code Section 37-16-3(2)]. Whereas state law requires every school district within the state to “periodically assess student performance and achievement in each school” (Mississippi Code Section 37-16-5), student assessment is therefore not an option in the Oxford School District, but rather a requirement.

    The Oxford School District is required to develop procedures for students who arrive on campus on testing days whose parents refuse to allow the students to take state test. At a minimum, such procedures shall include:

    1. Ensuring students “opting out” of testing do not disrupt the administration of state test; 
    2. Documenting the names grades, and actual assessments for students who refuse to be tested; and 
    3. Providing a safe and orderly environment for all students in attendance each day. The school district is not required to provide alternative activities on testing days for students whose parents refuse to allow their children to take state test.
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  • Title 9

    The Oxford School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its employment practices, educational programs, or activities, who it operates. Any parent, employee, or student who has knowledge of such discrimination or who has experienced or is experiencing sexual harassment or discrimination should contact:

    Jasmine Ayers
    District Title 9 Coordinator
    Oxford School District
    200 Bolt Boulevard
    Oxford, Mississippi 38655
    (662) 234-3541

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Last Modified on January 30, 2024