• Welcome to OMS Choir!

Note from the Director

  • Students, Parents, and Guardians,

    Welcome to Oxford Middle School Choir's website! Whether you're currently in choir or looking to join our choir family, I am so glad you're here. You can find various recordings, resources, and other helpful information by perusing our website, but if there's something you can't find, please email me at hgardre@oxfordsd.org

    We have 60 members in the OMS Choirs. We have a 7th-8th grade boys' choir and a 7th-8th grade girls' choir. Students learn valuable skills like reading music, proper vocal technique, and working as a group to achieve a common goal.

    To better communicate with current parents and students during the 2024-2025 school year, I will use SchoolStatus to text, call, and email parents about important dates and other information. The BAND app will be utilized as tool for parent-student-teacher communication. Click here to join our BAND! 

    I can’t wait to work together to ensure this a fantastic year of personal and intellectual growth in and out of the choir room! I believe in a student-centered approach to teaching, offering conducting, solo, and other leadership opportunities throughout the year. My goal is to foster a joy for learning, cultivate a positive learning environment, and help students build musical independence. 

    My office hours are 7:45-8:30 am and 2:45-3:45 pm Monday-Friday. Feel free to contact me at hgardrey@oxfordsd.org.


    Dr. Hannah Ardrey

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