- Oxford School District
- Overview
English Learners
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Title III3: English Learners Program
The purpose of the Title III3 program is to ensure that limited English proficient (L.E.P.) children also known as English Learners (E.L.), including immigrant children and youth, have the opportunity to master English and meet the same rigorous standards for academic achievement as all children are expected to meet, including meeting challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards by developing high-quality language instruction educational programs.
For more information, contact:
Nancy McCurdy
Title III3 English Learner Program Coordinator
(662) 234-3541
English Learners
The Oxford School District has designed a research-based language instruction program at elementary and secondary levels in order to accommodate the growing numbers of limited and non-English speaking students enrolling in the district. Certified English language teachers and E.L. tutors provide English language instruction using a methodology called “Sheltered English.” Sheltered English is an approach that attempts to make academic instruction in English understandable to students who are limited in English Proficiency.
Elementary E.S.L. Classes
The English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) classes for students in K- through 6 are 20- to 60 minutes 1- to 5 days per week depending upon an E.L. student’s language proficiency needs. Classes are taught either by a certified E.L. teacher or an E.L. tutor. Students may be taken out of the regular classroom for instruction or instructed in the classroom. The elementary E.S.L. curriculum follows the individual student’s classroom curriculum but uses sheltered English language teaching methods.
Secondary E.S.L. Classes
The English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) classes for middle and high school students are for one class period every day. A certified E.L. teacher teaches the secondary classes and focuses on language development in the different content areas of English, Math, History, and Science. The E.S.L. curriculum which is designed to meet the individual language needs of the E.L. student so that they may pass the state standard tests, pass the grade level tests, and do grade level work in the core subject areas of English, Math, History and Science. At the high school, the E.L. student can receive one elective Carnegie Unit for the E.S.L. class each semester they complete the class. E.L. Students may take the ESL class multiple semesters and receive one elective credit each semester they complete the class.
E.L. Students with Disabilities
E.L. students who have a documented disability and receive other specialized instruction in the Oxford School District will continue to receive E.L. instruction. The E.L. teacher/tutor will focus on English language development and modified instruction of content area material. The E.L. teacher/tutor will also conference with the student's other teachers to discuss teaching methods and learning needs so as to meet the criteria of the student's Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.).