• Charger After School

    We are pleased to announce that the Oxford School District will officially take over the after-school program for the 2024-2025 school year. Pricing will remain the same at $150 per month. A fee will be applied to your child's PowerSchool account and due on the first of each month. More information will be provided once your child's seat is secured.

    Children in grades Pre-K through 6 will continue to have the opportunity to attend after-school care at their respective school sites (OECC, BES, DDES, and CES) just as they have in the past. In addition to those sites, students from OIS will also be able to walk down the hill and join after-school care at CES. Parents will simply need to "Save Your Seat" for 6th graders as well.

    The only change for the upcoming school year is the pick-up time, which will now be 5:30 p.m. each day.

    If you have any further questions regarding Charger After School, please contact Marilyn Barnes at mvbarnes@oxfordsd.org.

Handbook for Charger After School

  • Introduction

  • Contacts, Sites, and Hours of Operation

  • Mission Statement

  • After-school Program Goals

  • Registration Process

  • Payment and Fees

  • Withdrawal Policy

  • Pick-up Policy

  • Sign-in and Sign-out Procedures

  • Early Release Guidelines

  • Safe Environment

  • Accidents, Illness, and Emergency

  • Student Returned to School

  • Discipline Matrix

Last Modified on September 27, 2024